Part Fifty-Nine: Devotion

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Back to Breanna's Point of View (POV)

Ugh, my allergies are acting up.

I sniffle and wipe my nose with a tissue but as I do this I feel an unexplainable tingle on the back of my neck.

It almost feels like I'm being watched.

Without drawing too much attention to myself I slowly turn my head around to look behind me. I see a big, tall man standing in a black hoodie and sunglasses.

He's just standing stiffly and staring at me.

Hah. Sunglasses at night in an airport? Who would wear that?

I just answered my own question: he would.

I can't be him...but it sure looks like him.

I'd recognize those plump, soft lips that juxtapose the rest of his sharp features anywhere.

I furrow my brows and let my mouth hang open slightly.

"Simon?" I ask cautiously, almost in a whisper, because I'm not 100% sure it's him but my instincts are telling me it is.

But why would he be here?

The man slowly walks over to me and it doesn't take him long considering his long strides and massive steps.

It's him alright.

"Simon what are you doing he-"

Before I can finish my sentence I'm cut off by his big, rough hands cupping my face.

He removes his sunglasses and places them in the pocket of his jacket.

He leans his neck down—almost in a hunch—and places his lips on mine, engulfing them.

I have no idea what's happening here but I'm not opposed.

For a moment all the sadness and bitterness I had stored inside me fades away as I lose myself in his kiss, in his touch.

We hold the kiss, moving our mouths slowly but intently.

After a few moments go by I remember where we are: in public.

I break the kiss and look around us. Some people are staring.

"What are you doing here? How did you get past TSA?" I ask hurriedly as I have so many questions. I didn't expect to see him here.

Did he maybe see my letter? Is he here to finally say goodbye?

He just continues to stare at me.

"Simon?" I huff at his silence. "Did you come to say goodbye? You could have just called-"

He cuts me off again.

"No, I'm not here to say goodbye. I'm here to take you back to base," Ghost says firmly, but not in the way he typically does. This time there's a warmth to it that spells out dedication and conviction.

Take me back to base? But why? What is he doing? Is he messing with me?

"W-what do you mean? Simon, whatever game this is I don't want to play it," I stammer, trying my best to whisper but my upset tone is hard to hide.

"Just listen," he raises his voice, not angrily, but with panic. "Let's go back home."

Ghost grabs my hands in his, slightly tugging me in his direction.

Back home?

"You said you didn't want me to stay. You let me leave. I don't understand," I say flustered.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now