Part Fifty-Six: Goodbye

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I knock on Ghost's door. No answer.

I roam through the halls, checking the common room, and his office. He's nowhere to be found.

I'm starting to panic.

What the hell? Where could he be...

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Laswell walking through the halls with a very tall man—even taller than Ghost I think—whose identity is hidden under a sniper hood.

"Laswell!" I jog up to the pair.

"Ah, Sergeant Breanna. Please meet K-"

"Have you seen Lieutenant Ghost?" I pant, trying to catch my breath from the urgency of my actions.

Shit, that was rude. I cut her off.

"I've not." She smirks. "Last I heard he was going for a run."

I nod. "Sorry, I cut you off. What were you saying?"

I then shift my gaze slightly to the looming man and his bright blue eyes are locked onto me. When are gazes meet, he immediately turns his gaze downward.

"I wanted to introduce you to König. He's an Austrian operator who's an insertion specialist. He'll be joining us in an upcoming mission."


I can't get over his stature. He has to be, what, like 6'5? Maybe 6'6?

"Sergeant, Breanna Roberts." I reach my hand out to him.

The man hesitates but then shakes my hand with a soft grip. "König," he says softly with a German accent.

A gentle giant.

"I'd love to chat but I need to go find the Lieutenant." I look at Laswell. "It was nice to meet you, König." I start walking away. "And welcome!"

I exit the base and head toward the outdoor area where we conduct most of our training—which has trails that we use for running.

I don't see him at first glance but then I catch a glimpse of him in the tree line.


With haste, I start running toward him, but he doesn't see me so he keeps running farther from me.

"Ghost!" I yell.

He doesn't respond or even move his head which means he probably has headphones in.

Time to turn into a track star.

I sprint as fast as I can to catch up to him. I finally reach him and tug at the back of his shirt. Startled, he turns around and rips out his headphones.

"Sergeant," says distantly.

"Breanna." I place my hands on my hips.

"What?" He furrows his brows.

"You know my name," I deadpan.

How dare he depersonalize this conversation. Depersonalize us.

Ghost sighs deeply, crossing his arms. "What is it, Breanna?"

"You've been avoiding me. Why?" I ask, clearly upset.


I cut him off.

"And no bullshit answers," I say sternly. "Remember before we left for Iran, and I started distancing myself from you? Well, I recall you hounding my ass about not being honest, so I don't need you to lie to me...or yourself."

Taking a deep breath he begins to speak with a flat tone, "Alright. I don't want to see you."

Yet another shot to the heart...but I can take it.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now