Part Ninety: For the Sake of the Mission

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9:00 PM

Laswell and I reached Diego's production factory without any trouble.

Parking a few miles back, Laswell and I stealthily make our way, moving through trees and bushes, to the factory. No more than fifty feet away, we're stationed behind a large tree, spying to see who goes in and out of the building.

9:15 PM

There's been no movement.

"Did we get the date wrong?" I whisper, finding myself growing impatient.

She shakes her head to say, No. "Maybe we got the time wrong," Laswell whispers.

"Or maybe they're running late," I sigh frustratedly.

"We keep waiting," she says confidently. "I'm sure Diego and his men will be here any minute now."

9:35 PM

"Jesus fucking Christ," I huff, growling. "Where the fuck is the bloke?"

"Shh." Laswell quickly places her hand on my shoulder to grab my attention. "Look." She nods her head in the direction of a truck pulling up to the factory.

The truck parks and several men exit. A young man—I'd be surprised if he was older than 18—comes out of the truck carrying a couple of boxes. Two middle-aged men walk out after him holding guns.

Last but certainly not least, Diego Delgado exits the truck.

"I've got a positive ID on Diego." I drop my night vision binoculars from my face and look at Laswell.

"Copy that, Lieutenant," she says, smirking. "We wait until they all enter the factory building. Remember, we're only here to gather intel, we do not have clearance to engage."

"Yes, Commander," I reply.

After a few moments, Diego and his men enter the factory.

"You ready, Ghost?" Laswell asks, her anticipation palpable.

"Always ready." I nod my head and the two of us start closing in on the building.

Closing the gap, we're about ten feet from the building now, taking cover behind Diego's truck.

"We need to get closer," Laswell says.

We check our surroundings quickly and then run up to the side of the factory building where there's a window. The building is fairly small and only one story.

Crouched directly underneath the window, we can see the light peering out from inside the building. Muffled sounds are also audible.

"I'm going to try and take a look," Laswell tells me and stands a bit from her crouch.

My gaze is fixed on Laswell, and after she peers into the window I can see her facial expression shift direly.

"What is it?"

"El Sin Nombre," she responds breathlessly. "Valeria Garza is here."


"What's your call, Laswell? Continue as planned or go engage for capture despite not having the clearance," I ask carefully.

She stays silent for a moment, pondering, and then says, "We have clearance to capture Valeria, just not here and now," she sighs deeply. "There are twelve people in the building."

"We can handle that..." I say confidently. "Your call."

"We need to do this carefully." She crouches back down from the window, her eyes full of worry. "We need a concrete plan."

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now