Part Twent-Eight: Denial

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I stare at him

He stares at me and sets the bags down on the kitchen counter.

I want to ask what's in them but I'm going for a silent treatment thing here. He's right, I am acting like a child.

Ghost starts pulling things out of the bags: Pain medicine, some DVDs, groceries, and flowers...


"I'm going to make us breakfast," he tells me.

I just continue to stare at him mindlessly, hoping it might make him uncomfortable.

"And If you're going to stay in bed all day..." He starts walking over to me. "Then you should keep yourself entertained."

He plops down the DVDs on the bed, three movies: The Ring, Taken, and American Psycho.

At least he has decent movie taste.

"Are you trying to keep me up at night?" I scoff.

"Before we left for Iran you told me you liked horror and thriller movies so that's what I got." He shrugs.

He remembered...

"Right. Thanks." I nod my head softly.

"Take these." He hands me a glass of water and the pain medicine.

I'm a little taken aback by the kind gestures.

"And here..." He turns his head to the side, attempting to hide...something. Whether that's the look on his face or a blush, I don't know.

Ghost hands me the flowers.

I've been so mad I forgot how sweet he can be.

But this doesn't make up for it.

"Really?" I ask incredulously.

"Really," he says curtly, annoyed by my apprehension.

Ugh. Fine.

I grab the flowers from him and put them on the nightstand, but not before smelling them.

No one's ever gotten me flowers before.

Ghost goes back to the kitchen and starts cooking breakfast. I pop Taken into the DVD player and start watching.

After several minutes he brings me a plate and some coffee. He knows exactly what I like.

He grabs his stuff and sits down on the couch to watch the movie.

"You can sit here." I motion at the bed.

He looks surprised. "Are you sure?"

"I won't say it twice." I roll my eyes.

He gets up and sits down next to me on the bed and we watch the movie together from beginning to end.

It's sad. This movie reminds me of those poor girls we have to rescue. I hope they're okay...


And that's how the rest of the day went: we watched all the movies and other stuff that was on cable, Ghost cooked every meal, and we even talked a little bit. Nothing serious but conversations about hobbies, likes/dislikes, even a little politics.

It's so easy to talk to him now. That's my favorite thing about him.

But I don't like him. I don't love him. I don't want him.

Those thoughts feel like a lie...I hate my brain.

Eventually, it's time for us to go to bed.

Two days until we meet Hassan. As time gets closer I'm feeling more and more anxious.

Like the previous night, I sleep on the bed and Ghost sleeps on the couch.

I'm still angry with him and I'd rather not share a bed to sleep.

I doze off and sleep starts creeping up on me.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now