Part Two: Joining Task Force 141

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Guess it's time to get up...

I slam down on my alarm and hop out of bed. Grabbing all of my items and clothes, I head for the showers.

The hot water feels nice on my back.

Though the nervousness from last night is starting to come back. Shit.

Shaking off the racing thoughts, I finish my shower and get myself ready. My hair is in a loose braid and I have on cargo pants and a black fitted long-sleeve shirt tucked into my waistband. Should I put on makeup? Nah.

As I finish getting ready the nerves feel even more intense.


I slap myself across the face.

Breanna. Get. Your. Shit. Together.

I take a deep breath and head out.

Before I know it I'm saying goodbye to Captain Winters and my team and am boarding the private jet with a one-way ticket to Task Force 141.

Why is this mission so important? Why me? What skills does the Task Force want to exploit? What will everyone be like? Will I fit in? Who cares if I fit in?

I do, apparently.


During the flight, I can't help but think about him. What will my first encounter with the infamous Ghost be like? Will we butt heads? Probably...


Damn, that flight was long. Pretty sure I slept wrong considering the kink in my neck.

I give out a big stretch and exit the jet. As I make my way down the stairs of the jet I notice two people waiting for me: a man with muttonchops and a hat (interesting stylistic choice but to each their own) and an older woman with short blonde hair.

Who are these people?

"Sergeant Roberts. Welcome. I hope your flight was smooth." The muttonchop man speaks with a deep, British voice. Kinda hot, not gonna lie.

"My name is Captain Price and this is Commander Laswell," the Captain introduces, and holds out his hand in the direction of Laswell.

"Welcome to the team," Commander Laswell tells me and holds out her hand.

So this is Captain Price, huh? Time to find out why he requested me specifically.

I shake both Price's and Laswell's hands.

"Thanks for having me," I say softly but not weakly.

"I'd like to introduce you to the rest of 141 and get you familiar with the base," Price says, and motions for Laswell and me to follow him.

Captain Price starts leading us to an airplane hangar.

As we enter the hangar, I take in my surroundings. I notice there are two Sikorsky CH-53Es in the hangar to my left. Towards the right of the room is a large table riddled with maps and files and several figures surrounding it.

I see a man with a mow hawk. Does everyone here have weird hair?

I can also see an attractive darker-skinned man. He stands tall with his arms stiff at his sides.

My eyes pivot to the main attraction. It's him. He stands out in a crowd considering his build and infamous skull mask. Rumor has it that on the battlefield it's too late if you see him, you're dead already.

I take a deep breath as we walk through the massive hangar towards the table of men.

Why are they all staring?

Shit, look away...

We approach the table.

Here we go. Keep it together, Breanna.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now