Part Twenty-Seven: What Now?

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Ugh, my head.

What time is it?

6:53 AM

Too early...

I drank too much last night. My head is throbbing, my stomach hurts, and I feel like shit.

Not to mention the bullshit that happened last night. I can't get that image out of my head. Ghost, Cyra, together...the look on their fucking faces.

I'm getting angry again.

I groggily sit up in bed and notice Ghost sitting up on the couch, just staring at me.

"Staring problem?" I sneer.

"Funny, that's the first thing you said to me when we first met," he chuckles halfheartedly.

"Yeah, and you never answered me back then either." I roll my eyes.

Ghost lets out a deep sigh.

"We should talk."

"Don't want to," I say curtly.


"Ghost." I mimic.

He takes a deep breath and rubs his temples with his fingers. Why does he still have his mask off?

"You can put your mask back on."

"Why? Is it bothering you?" He asks, his eyebrow arched.

"I don't want to look at your face," I say coldly, distantly.

Ghost frowns and crosses his arms.

"We need to talk," he says firmly.

"No," I reject, stubborn as hell.

"Why are you being so difficult?" He says frustratedly.

"Fuck you that's why." I flip him the finger.

"Fucking hell...then just listen."

Just listen? Yeah, whatever asshole.

Ghost takes another deep breath.

"I made a mistake, alright? I was drunk, and I know that's not an excuse, but I wasn't thinking straight. Again, like you said, we wouldn't work so I didn't think you actually had any feelings for me. I was being selfish and I hurt you. I'm sorry," he says earnestly.

"I don't have feelings for you," I hiss at him.

Sadness flashes in his eyes for just a second. I still caught it, though.

Whatever. Fuck him.


I cut him off.

"You're right. It's not like we're together or anything so I have no right to be upset. You're an adult. You're allowed to fuck whoever you want," I deadpan.


I cut him off again.

"I'm the one at fault here, the idiot. I should have known something like this would happen. History always repeats itself."

Ghost looks down, remaining silent.

"Cyra's beautiful. I get why she piqued your interest. Sometimes I forget who I am. I'm nothing. Just a tool to be used."

"That's not true," he counters offensively.

"Oh, no? No one's ever shown me otherwise. People in my life have only kept me around to use me. After I stop being useful they leave. So yes, it is true. No one actually cares," I say in a way that leaves little room for argument.

"I care," Ghost says softly.

"Ha! You have a funny way of showing it," I scoff, baffled.

Ghost just stares at me. I can tell he's disappointed in himself, in the situation.

"We talked. Are we done now?"

"That doesn't count. We need to really talk," Ghost says firmly.

"About what?" I play coy.

"About this," Ghost sighs.

"I don't have the time or the energy for this, Ghost. We meet with Hassan in two days. I need to focus on the mission, not you."

He nods his head, finally conceding.

I lay back down in bed.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Medicine?"

"I'm fine," I respond curtly.

I'm not fine actually, and water would be nice, but I'm pissed at him.

"You can do whatever you want, Ghost. I'm going to stay here, in bed, for the rest of the day. If you want to stay here, then stay. If you want to go out to the city, then go out. If you want to fuck Cyra again, then fuck her."

"Enough," he admonishes and stands from the couch.

"Enough what? The truth too much for you to handle?" I retort, challenging him.

"You're ridiculous," he scoffs.

"I'm ridiculous? Please. Look in the fucking mirror," I growl.

Ghost shakes his head, clearly upset. "You can't stay in bed all day."

"I can and I will."

"You're acting like a child," he tells me.

"I don't care," I deadpan.

Ghost starts muttering to himself. I can tell he's cursing.


He grabs his keys and leaves the room.

Good riddance.


A few hours pass and Ghost is still gone.

10:30 AM

I've been doing nothing all morning. I wanted to go back to sleep but I'm so angry I can't.

A shower might help.

I hop into the warm shower. It feels nice.

As I shower the memories from last night play through my head.

I feel a lump in my throat and tears are following.

Why am I so upset? It's not like we actually have feelings for each other. That much is clear...I think.

Defeated, I sit down in the tub and just cry. This is the most I've cried in a long time. I normally bottle up my emotions and pretend they don't exist. I don't know why it's so hard for me to do that this time.

Why can't I just keep it together?

All of the pain and hurt from over the years are washing over me right now and I feel like I could drown.

But I won't.

So I get out of the shower, get dressed, and hop back into bed.

A few minutes later the door opens and there stands Ghost with some bags.

There better be something good in them.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now