Part Thirty-Nine: Breaking Point

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"Where is 141 currently located?" Hassan looms over Ghost, asserting dominance.

Ghost remains silent.


Hassan punches Ghost in the face. Blood starts tricking down his nose.

It's hard to watch this and to hear this.

I can't let Ghost take the brunt of it all by himself.

"How do you know he knows? How do you know you're not asking the wrong person?" This was my best attempt to get the attention off Ghost and onto me.

And it worked.

Hassan smirks mischievously and slowly starts walking towards me. "Ah, do you have information for me then, little one?"

Little one? Another condescending man...lucky me.

"I do, but I have a question for you first..." I tell him, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Speak," Hassan demands.

"When did you find out the truth about our identities?"

Hassan grins widely. "Shortly before we met at my club."


"So you knew who we were at the sex club and you still tried to fuck me?" I growl.

"What can I say? Pussy is pussy," Hassan snarks, mocking me.

"Fuck you," I hiss.

Hassan sits on my lap, damn near straddling me.

Damn, he's heavy.

"I answered your silly questions. Information. Now," he demands in a threatening tone.

"Oh, sorry but I lied about that one," I grin cheekily.



He backhanded me.

"Now!" Hassan yells as he stands to his feet, placing his hand around my neck and squeezing tightly.

I remain silent, piercing him with my gaze, and trying to focus on breathing what little air I can.

"Then we'll finish what we started at the club." The light in his eyes fades.

Wait, what? What does he mean by that?

Hassan starts unbuckling his pants.

Oh, no.

No, fuck no!

"L-listen you can't d-do that..." I'm panicking.

Hassan stays silent and pulls his belt completely off, unbuttons his pants, and starts to reach for my pants.

"W-wait!" I yell, it's becoming harder and harder to breathe despite him removing his grip from my neck.

I look at Ghost, the fear in my eyes palpable. He's staring back right at me with wide, shocked eyes.

What the hell do I do?!

Hassan unbuttons my pants, slides them off, and pulls down my panties.

I'm completely naked below the waist and he's staring at my center like a ravished man who hasn't eaten in days.

"P-please wait!" I hyperventilate, unable to stop the tears from streaming and attempt to wiggle out of my confines to no avail.

I can't handle another assault. It nearly killed me the first time.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now