Part Sixteen: The Beginning

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I slowly open my eyes.

It's blindingly bright and my head is spinning.

I look over and see Ghost next to me, fast asleep.


Oh shit! I almost forgot about last night. I quickly get out of bed and look for my dress.

Fuck, I forgot he ripped it.

I rummage through Ghost's drawer and put on one of his t-shirts. It fits me like a dress.

As I get ready Ghost starts to wake up.

"Sleep well?" I look over at him.

"I did," he says groggily.

After a big stretch, putting his glorious muscles and ripped body on display, he gets out of bed and also gets dressed.

This feels a little awkward. A little intimate.

That's my cue to leave.

"Guess I'll get out of your hair then." I make my way for the door.

"Wait," he says, stopping me in my tracks.

I quickly turn around to face him.

"Have some breakfast." The way he says it leaves little room for arguments.

He wants me to stay...

"Okay." I nod my head and sit down at his kitchen table.

Ghost starts preparing breakfast for us. He's making omelets.

He places our food down and sits with me at the table.

Should I say something?

As we sit in silence I remember our argument. We never truly did put the matter to bed.

"Are you still doubtful?" I break the silence.

Ghost stops eating mid-chew and looks at me.

"You know, about how I might handle this mission?" I ask cautiously.

Ghost finishes chewing and clears his throat.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some concerns...but you've been improving at high rates with training. Seems you've been less irritable and reactive too."

I'll show him irritable and reactive...

Take a deep breath, he's right anyway. I'm just sensitive about it.

"I know you'll be fine." He nods.

Did I hear that correctly?

"You're nice to me now?" I chuckle.

"Never." He winks at me and my heart skips a beat.

We finish our breakfast.

"Are you ready? We leave in two days."

"I'm ready." Ghost nods his head.

"Me too." I smile softly.


We finish getting ready for the day and review our plan and strategies for this mission.

These encounters with Ghost have been a good distraction to the reality of this mission.

But Ghost's not the only one with some doubts...

I tried not to think about it too much but the thought of unwanted physical touch in a sexual manner will probably trigger me and I might blow the mission.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now