Part Seventy-One: Where the Fuck is Makarov?

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Simon "Ghost" Riley's Point of View (POV)

"Gaz, stick close to me," I order.

The last thing I need is for the kid to get killed on my watch.

"Copy, Lieutenant," Gaz says. "We've been fucking ambushed."


The all-out war between us and Makarov's men continues.


They knew we were coming.

Think, Lieutenant. What do we do?

"Everyone, fall back!" I yell over the comms. "Regroup in the tree line!"

It isn't the greatest idea ever but it will do for now.

Our group of wounded and afraid soldiers attempts to fall back into the treeline but not without pushback. Large groups of garrison force follow us into the treeline and the fight for our lives becomes more complicated. The sounds of the volley of explosions, gunfire, and screams fill the air like poisonous gas.


An ultranationalist pops up from behind the smoke screen but his bullet misses me...barely.

That was the last mistake that soldier ever made before his lifeless body hit the ground, a bullet from Gaz's rifle lodged in his skull.

"Good eye, Sergeant," I commend considering he just saved my life.

"Always looking out, Lieutenant." Gaz nods.

I open my mouth to speak but quickly shut it when a loud sound catches our attention.


What is that sound? Engines running?

I turn my gaze to where the direction of the sound is coming from and I see two large jeeps trying to leave the compound.


I turn my attention to Gaz and say, "See those jeeps? I think our friend is in one of them. Let's pay him a visit."

"You think he'll be happy to see us?" Gaz says sarcastically, tittering.

"Who wouldn't be?" I say playfully then switch my comms on. "Igor, what's your location?"

"Right behind you, Brit," Igor says over the comms. "I've got jeeps in sight."

"Good man. Use the javelin missiles to take them out before they can escape," I order. "I'm going to provide backup for Laswell."

As Gaz and Igor take care of the jeeps, Laswell, Igor's men, and I continue to fight the barrage of Makarov's henchmen. Slowly but surely we close the gap and gain the advantage over the garrison force.


The sight of exploding jeeps fills my peripherals. The sons of bitches did it.

The smoke screen and sounds of the volley begin to die down until it completely stops.

Laswell is leaning against a tree, covered in dirt and blood, and looking like she's seen better days.

"Gaz, are you broken?" I check in over the comms, jogging my way to Laswell.

When I reach her, my eyes roam over her body to look for any signs of trauma.

"A little banged up but I'll live," Gaz responds.

"Laswell," I place a firm hand under her shoulder, helping her lean off the tree. "You alright?"

"My heart's still beating," Laswell sighs, trying to collect herself. She was close to the initial explosion.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now