Part Six: A Ghost Encounter

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I'm growing defensive.

"And what rumors are those?" I place my hands on my hips, showing him my impatience.

Ghost leans back in his chair.

"That you're a loose cannon, bratty, and have been reprimanded on multiple occasions for being defiant," he huffs.

Why am I letting him rile me up? Take a deep breath, Breanna.

"Done your research have you? Please enlighten me on all you know." I throw my hand out mockingly.

Ghost stands up too and crosses his arms.

"Last year you blew getting promoted to a higher rank due to your insubordination on a mission. I'm surprised Price requested you even after knowing this. Seems to me like you can't be trusted," Ghost jeers.

That's all it took to send me flying off the rails.

"Oh, I can't be trusted?" I raise my voice as my composure snaps. "The real question is can you be trusted? You're a fragile man who hides behind a mask. Secrets don't hold up well in war."

Ghost slams his hands down on the desk as he bellows, "And you're an insolent brat who doesn't know when to shut the hell up."

Piece of shit! I've lost the little restraint I had left.

"Well guess what. You're going to have to put up with this 'insolent brat' so get used to it!" I turn on my heels and storm for the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ghost yells.

"Anywhere but here." I slam the door on my way out.

I'm so fucked...

This mission is gonna be a shit show.


I keep to myself as the day goes on. Despite having our private quarters, Soap told me about a common area where 141 spends a lot of their downtime. This common room has a kitchen area, a living area, and a tv.

I leave my quarters and make my way to the common room.

Peaking my head around the corner, I see Soap and Gaz sitting on some couches.

Making my way into the room I awkwardly say, "What's up?"

Soap and Gaz turn their heads to face me.

"What's up!" Soap says with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hey." Gaz nods his head at me.

As I make my way towards the couch I notice they are playing a video game: Mario Kart.

"Wanna play?" Gaz asks me, seeming to have noticed my attention landing on the game.

"Sure." I sit down on the couch next to Soap and he hands me a joycon.

Little do these boys know I'm a Mario Kart master.

Soap, Gaz, and I play for hours. It's the most fun I've had in a while.

"HAHA, eat shit!" I laugh.

I came in first place.

Soap was second and Gaz...well let's just say he tried his best.

"Damn...7th place. Guess I'm not the greatest player." Gaz shrugs his shoulders.

That gets a chuckle out of all of us.

"Having fun?"

We all turn around to see Captain Price smiling and Ghost is close behind him as they enter the common room.

Oh, great. It's him.

Ghost and I make eye contact and the tension is still very much there.

I quickly look back at the tv.

"You guys wanna play?" Soap asks Price and Ghost.

Please say no.

Without saying anything Ghost grabs a joycon and sits next to Gaz.

We're selecting our characters and Ghost picks King Boo.

Cheesy motherfucker.

Ghost and I fight for first place the entire race but despite his best efforts, I win.

"Better luck next time," I grin at him cheekily.

"Hmm," is his only response. Ghost gets up, puts his joy con down, and heads for the door.

Before leaving he turns to look at me.

"Tomorrow. Training room. 6:00 AM." And his figure disappears as he walks out the door and into the hallway.

This should be interesting.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now