Part Twenty-Five: The Bar

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Just a few minutes until we meet Ahmad and Cyra for drinks.

I'm feeling incredibly nervous, and unsure of my abilities at the moment.

I know how to play my role. I've prepared for this...but it still feels unsettling.

I just have to remember why we're here in the first place: to save the hostages and kill Hassan. This is just the first step we need to take to get there. As Ghost said, we already have our invitation to meet with Hassan in three days, so things are going as planned.

Ghost dresses in a nice dark blue button-up shirt and black slacks. Naturally, he is wearing his black balaclava, but he still looks hot.

I'm dressed in a matching dark blue backless dress, revealing the tramp stamp I got when I was 16 years old: a small butterfly with some line work.

"You look nice," he croons.

"T-thank you." I stammer, frazzled by his approval.

I can tell by his eyes that he's smiling at me.


"Yes." I nod my head.

"Let's go." Ghost grabs my hand in his.

He has big, rough hands. I like them. I like the way they feel against my own. I like it when those hands are gripping my hair, roaming my body, inside my-

Now is not the time to think of that. I take a steadying breath and focus on the task at hand.

We make our way down to the hotel's bar and spot Ahmad and Cyra seated at a table.

As we approach them, Ghost pulls a chair out for me.

What a gentleman.

Cyra is staring at Ghost again. I don't like that.

I mean it's not like Ghost and I are an item but I still don't like how her eyes are undressing him.

"Friends! It's good to see you both." Ahmad shakes Ghost's hand and embraces me in a hug.


I wish I had something to clean my body with.

"Hello, Sarah." Crya shakes my hand. "And hello...Michael." Cyra lingers on her handshake with Ghost, fucking him with her eyes.

I feel myself growing angry. Am I jealous?

Pfft, no. Stop it.

Take a deep breath, Breanna. Just do your job.

"What are we drinking?" Ghost asks in a friendly manner.

"Ah, the choice is yours! But can I suggest we start with some scotch?" Ahmad smirks.

"Suggest you can," Ghost winks.

They both laugh.

"And how about our lovely ladies? What shall you have?" Ahmad asks Cyra and I.

Before I'm able to get a word out Cyra begins to speak.

"I'll have a martini."

"Me too." I pettily smirk at Cyra.

She pettily smirks back.

The thing about women is we pick up on everything. She can probably tell I feel threatened by her, and I don't like that she has that power over me.

The group continues to chat as the servers bring us more and more drinks.

We have a slurry of hard liquor and I feel myself becoming drunk, but not just regular drunk, like drunk, drunk.

The room is kind of spinning, I feel warm, and my head feels light.

I can tell Ghost is drunk too because he's starting to slur some of his words.

To be honest, I think the whole group is drunk. Hopefully, this doesn't affect our ability to keep our disguises up.

"P-please excuse me. I think it's time for me to visit the restroom." Ghost stumbles a little to get up but manages his way to the restroom.

"So, Sarah. Tell me about yourself." Ahmad scoots his chair closer to me.

Shit, get your game face on, Breanna.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I lean in closer to Ahmad.

"Everything about you." Ahmad winks at me.

I place my hand on Ahmad's arm and whisper in his ear.

"I like that," I chuckle softly.

Ahmad and I continue to flirt for a little while and I can see Cyra get up and start walking away out of the corner of my eye.

Ghost isn't back yet.

Where the hell is she going?

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now