Part Seventy-Three: The Scrapyard

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I'm awoken by the sound of knocking so I open my eyes and I can see that it's still dark out. I sit up in bed, look around at my team on their hay bales, and then look to the entrance of the barn.

It's Mateen.

"My family has been escorted." He smiles softly. "Let us go to the scrapyard."

Still half asleep I nod my head and Mateen takes his leave.

My watch reads 4:32 AM.

Guess it's go time.

I slowly walk over to Captain Price's hay bale, place my hand on his shoulder, and give him a little shake.

He instantly wakes up in a panic and grips my wrist...tightly.

"Ow," I yell out in pain and attempt to pull my arm away, which wakes up Soap and König.

Price analyzes me, like he's making sure I'm not the enemy, and lets go of his hold on me.

"Sorry, Sergeant," he lets out a deep breath like he's been holding it the entire time. "You startled me."

You startled me.

What's wrong with me? Captain Price disclosed to me all the horrible shit he's seen and been through in the name of war and I thought it'd be a good idea to shake him awake?

I should know better about the effects of post traumatic stress disorder.

It's the same reason I have nightmares about my stepfather. The same reason Simon barely sleeps a wink, because he's trying to avoid having nightmares.

"That's on me," I say reassuringly, smiling softly. "Sorry for startling you."

"Next time just yell his name a bunch of times." I turn my head to face Soap. He shrugs. "That's what I always do."

Good idea.

I nod at Soap and then walk back over to my hay bale where my stuff is and I start to get ready.

"You going to tell us why you woke us up?" Price asks, sketching a brow.

"Oh." How could I have forgotten? "Mateen's family has been escorted someplace safe. He said it's time to visit the scrapyard."

Price, in a matter of seconds, jumps to his feet and hastily starts to get ready.

I finish putting the last of my things in my bag when König approaches me.

"Are vu ready to face Makaroff?" he asks me.

I let out a deep sigh, "As ready as I'll ever be."

I can tell by his eyes that he's smiling.

"I belieff in vu," König says earnestly and then walks away.

He believes in me? At least someone does...

"We ready to get moving?" Price asks us.

"Let's go kick Makarov's ass!" Soap says excitedly.

"I second that." I raise my hand.

"I...zird zat?" König says confused as he tries to fit in with the group.

We can't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, you third that." I give him a thumbs up and he returns one.

We exit the barn to find Mateen waiting outside by his truck.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now