Part Eight: Training

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I make my way to the center of the mat where Ghost is standing.

He readies himself in a fighting stance.

"You want to do combat training?" I cross my arms tightly across my chest. "Shouldn't we be training on stealth?"

Ghost stands up straight and arches an incredulous brow. "And if you get caught and have to fight for your life then what?"

He's got a point. My face shines heavy with concession.

"Get in position," he commands.

I excel in close-quarters combat. That's one of the reasons Price recruited me.

I lunge toward Ghost and try to punch him.

He dodges.

Ghost throws a swing at me but I dunk.

He and I go at it for a while, neither of us being able to land a hit.

Normally I overpower my opponents quickly but Ghost seems to excel at close-quarters combat as well...damn.

I go for Ghost's leg but he manages to trip me and I fall flat on my back.


Ghost pins his knee on my right shoulder, the motion bringing a sharp pain to the joint.

"Tell me you can do better than that, sweetheart?" he chuckles, mocking me.

Shit head.

My eyes dart around him and I find an opening. I wrap my legs around Ghost's waist and pull him in closer.

"Don't test me," I whisper as I bring my lips close to his ear. Or where his ear would be, considering the mask.

Ghost stays still for a moment, his body tensing, almost like he's processing something.

After a moment, he grips my thighs with his rather large gloved hands and peels me from his waist.

"Again," he says sternly.


Ghost and I trained for 4 hours. I'm fucking exhausted.

We did combat, stealth training, shooting drills, and running.

I need a damn break...

As I make my way back to my private quarters I see Ghost opening the door to the room directly across from mine.

No fucking way. What are the odds?

"Ah, so we're neighbors, huh?" I smirk.

"Seems so." He stands by his door, a dull look in his eyes.

"What's on the agenda for tomorrow?" I ask, now standing in my doorframe.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see."

Ghost is standing there sweaty from all the training we did. Why is that kind of hot?

Ew, no. Stop that, Breanna.

I hate him.

"Well, good night." I start to close my door.



It's the next morning.

Before meeting Ghost for training I meet with Soap in the common room for breakfast.

"How do you like your eggs?" Soap asks, smiling at me.

"Sunny side up, please." I grin playfully.

Soap is making us a whole breakfast: eggs, pancakes, bacon, and coffee.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now