Part Sixty-One: Johnny

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After the pleasantly surprising turn of events, Ghost and I returned to the base.

Ghost must have let everyone know that I was coming back because when we arrived at the base the entire team was gathered in the lobby area waiting for me with open arms.

Laswell thanked me for my contributions to the team and welcomed me aboard officially.

Gaz gave me a fist bump and told me he was glad I decided to stay...mainly so he could hone his skills and one day beat me in Mario Kart, which he never will.

Price told me I was a part of the family now and told me I could always come to him for support.

And then there was Johnny: the happiest of all.

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to run into my arms, hold me tight, and never let go. But he refrained.

Soap told me that he was so relieved that I decided to come back and stay for good, but although he seemed happy, I could sense a hint of sadness in him.

"Talk to him."


Everyone starts turning in for the night considering how late it is.

11:32 PM

The only reason anyone was still awake was because they were waiting in anticipation of my arrival so I feel a little bad.

Ghost and I are in his private quarters and when I go to get a glass of water I see the letter I wrote to him stamped onto the fridge with a magnet.

That's sweet.

But the sweetness only lasts a moment and feelings of guilt rise in me.

"Talk to him."

That keeps repeating in my head. I just need to bite the bullet and talk with Soap about us.

"Hey, Simon?" I look over at him from the kitchen.

"Hmm?" He looks up at me from where he's sitting on the bed.

"I'll be back. I'm going to talk to Soap," I say nervously, twiddling my thumbs.

Ghost nods his head. He appears calm but his eyes tell me he's also a little nervous.

"Maybe at some point, you should talk to him, too," I cautiously suggest.

He nods again but this time I can see he's a little upset.

I mean hey, I'd be a little upset too if my best friend continuously tried to get at my boyfriend.

Not that Ghost and I have labeled what we are. We decided to commit to each other and take the relationship seriously but he hasn't called me his "girlfriend" or even asked me to be his girlfriend.

Is it just implied?

Walking out of Ghost's quarters, I walk a little down the hall and I'm now standing directly in front of Soap's door.


Damn, I'm nervous as hell!

Deep breaths, Breanna. What's the worst that could happen?

He'll hate you. He'll never want to talk to you again. Things will change.

Shut the fuck up, brain.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now