Part Nine: Shopping Spree

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"I thought we weren't going on a mall trip?" I say playfully as I shake my head.

"Just get inside," he barks. And like a gentleman, he opens the door for me.

That's odd.

"Thanks?" I shoot him a skeptical look.

He ignores me and heads for a suit shop.

We go inside and Ghost begins talking with an employee about the suits.

As Ghost sorts his disguise situation out I look around the store for a bit but eventually make my way back to the dressing room area.

When I walk up I see Ghost in a suit and tie.

He looks handsome. Even with his face hidden.

I notice I'm staring and apparently so does the Lieutenant because he makes eye contact with me through a sidelong glance.

I quickly face the ground.

Shit. I hope he didn't notice me staring.

Ghost purchases the suit and starts heading to the next store: "Spencer's".

Spencer's? Isn't that like an adult store?

"Uh, where are we going?" I chuckle nervously.

He points to Spencer's.

"Uh, why?" I ask stressed.

"To get your outfit," he deadpans.

He's being dead serious. Well, this is going to be awkward...

We walk into Spencer's and make our way toward the sex toy and lingerie section.

God, is it hot in here or is it just me? I hope my face isn't red.

I don't know why I'm so flustered right now...probably because I haven't had sex since I was 20 years old.

Jesus, 5 years is a long time to go without sex. Though I didn't have sex much after the abuse anyway.

"You still with us, Sergeant?" Ghost asks me. His eyes are assessing.

"Y-yes. Haha." I stammer, embarrassed.

Seems I was lost in thought. I probably sound so stupid...

I look at all the lingerie they have but I don't know what to pick!

"Uh, what do you think? You're a guy, right? Which one do you like?" I murmur, trying to avoid people in the store overhearing this embarrassingly awkward conversation.

I look up at Ghost. The height difference between us is crazy. If I'm 5'3 he has to be around 6'2.

Ghost looks down at me in silence for a little while, then looks back at the wall of lingerie, and then looks back at me again.

I'm blushing.

"This one." He picks one off the wall and hands it to me without looking at me.

Is he...embarrassed?

I look down at the lingerie in my hands.

It's a black, lacy, and sheer bra with a matching thong. The thong has garters connected to it with long sheer stockings. The front of the thong has a little pink bow on it.

I suppose it's a good choice.

"Okay." I nod.

Just barely, I overhear tittering. Apparently, Ghost does as well because we both turn our attention to the direction of the suppressed laughter and spot two teenage girls watching us.

They probably think we're a couple, shopping for extracurricular activities.

The blush on my face deepens. I hear Ghost chuckle softly and look up at him.

"This is not funny," I say damn near mortified.

"Of course not," he says sarcastically and begins to weave his way through the store.

I follow suit.

I also buy a pair of black heels, a skimpy crop top, and leather shorts to wear on top of my lingerie.

Guess we're going all out.

We finish up our shopping and head back to base.


We're back in Ghost's office.

"Are you going to wear your mask? That might be suspicious no?"

"I'm not. I'll be wearing my black balaclava," he answers.

Guess he really doesn't ever show his face. I wonder why.

"Should I try on the outfit? I mean we saw what your suit looked like." I twiddle my thumbs, feeling ridiculous for even asking such a suggestive question.

Ghost stands there, looking at me blankly.

"Do what you want," he says impartially.

Alright, then. I start undressing in front of him.

He's staring at me with hooded lids, his gaze heavy, but he quickly crosses his arms across his broad chest and looks to the side until I finish putting the lingerie we bought on.

"Well, what do you think." I throw my hands up, defeat already coursing through my veins as I prepare myself for whatever rude comment he's about to make.

He doesn't say anything.

Um, hello?

He looks me up and down.

Because my braw is sheer you can see my nipples. It's freezing in this room so I just know they're hard.

"It'll do," he deadpans.

It'll do? Jackass.

I blush from the humiliation.

"Whatever," I huff as I cross my arms over my exposed body and hold my chin up high.

Ghost can tell I'm clearly offended.

"It looks good," Ghost sighs, conceding. "You look good."

Did I hear that correctly?

"Thanks," I murmur.

We stand in awkward silence for a bit.

"So, should we practice what we're going to say? How we're going to act?" I attempt to change the subject.

As I ask this I notice Ghost staring at my breasts.


"Guess that'd be a good idea," he clears his throat and readjusts himself on his chair.

God, does he always have to sound so bored?

"Alright, you first," I say.

Ghost goes over his story to tell Ahmad and Hassan. He also practices the lingo he's going to use and his demeanor.

Guess it's my turn now.

"Um. What do I do?" I ask, completely lost since I've never done anything like this before.

"Considering you have to seduce Hassan I'm guessing you should practice your tactics for that," Ghost condescends.

I take an internal deep breath.

The severity of the mission is overwhelming me again. I'd forgotten that I'll have to be throwing myself at a terrorist to convince him I'm fuckable.

I'm so bad at this.

I've never had a real boyfriend, I'm bad at flirting, and I haven't been sexually active in years. Not to mention I'm awkward and not the easiest person to get along with.

I'm so fucked.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now