Part Twenty-Six: Rage

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My head is spinning and I'm having racing thoughts.

Why is he taking so long?

I can't take this anymore.

"Can you excuse me? I have to go to the little girl's room." I wink at Ahmad.

"I'll be waiting here." Ahmad winks back at me.

I stumble as I get up.

Damn, it's hard to walk.

My vision is slightly blurred as I try to make my way toward the restrooms, sometimes almost tripping.

As I approach the restrooms I hear some noise. What is that?

"Ah-" I hear a deep feminine moan.

My heart drops to my stomach, and I forget how to breathe.

It can't be.

The moans are coming from the women's restroom. Without hesitation, I swing the restroom door open.

And there it is.

Ghost has Cyra bent over the sink, gripping her hair, and fucking her.

A rush of rage fills me, and it's so overwhelming that I feel like I might throw up.

Cyra looks proud of herself.

I can see the horror in Ghost's eyes.


I turn to leave.

"Br-Sarah!" Ghost calls out to me as he removes himself from Cyra and frantically starts pulling his pants back up.

I feel panic ensuing.

As I'm storming back to the table I feel a hand grip my arm.


Ghost's head turned to the side from the weight of my slap. He slowly turns his head back to face me.

"Don't fucking touch me," I hiss through clenched teeth, trying to keep my voice down.

"Just wait." I can hear the panic in his tone.

"Fuck you." My voice breaks as tears start streaming down my face.

I should have known.

I'm so stupid. So fucking stupid.

Who do I think I am? I'm not the girl that guys fall in love with. I'm not the type of person that people stick around for.

"Breanna, please," Ghost begs.

"Please, what? Please what?" I stop the shout that escapes my lips.

"I-" Ghost stops himself, unsure of what to say.

Because there is nothing to say. Not anymore.

"You what? Ha! This is a joke. I can't believe I fucking trusted you." I throw my hands up.

"Y-you were the one who said we should stop. You were the one who said we wouldn't work," he raises his voice, but his words are slurring.

"Oh, fuck off. That was before I let you fuck me!" I scoff, utterly baffled. "Wasn't it obvious that I changed my mind? We've spent the last few days talking, getting closer, and for what? For you to fuck me over?"

Ghost stares at me, at a loss for words.

"So you weren't kidding when you said you were only using me to get your rocks off were you?" I scoff.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now