Cenntennial park

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     Throughout my life, I've been a resident of New York. I always believed I would encounter someone special in Centennial Park. The park, adorned in vibrant greenery, resembled a magical setting, just waiting for an enchanting tale to unfold.

Growing up, my parents encouraged me to excel academically, and as a result, I applied to college at the age 16. Their aspirations for me led to my enrollment at Columbia University in New York City, a prestigious institution known for its academic rigor. Despite being one of the youngest students in my class, I embraced the challenge with determination. While navigating the demanding coursework at Columbia, I couldn't help but admire my older brother's dedication to his passion to become an actor. He tirelessly pursued opportunities in the industry, and witnessing his journey filled me with pride and happiness for his accomplishments. My brother Jacob, yes Jacob elordi... news outlets use that as his last name when it's really his middle name. really has patience with his future. Throughout my educational journey, I've come to appreciate the sacrifices my parents made to provide me with opportunities for success. Their unwavering support and high expectations have motivated me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life.

Now, at 18 years old, I find myself immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of New York City, balancing academics with the pursuit of my own dreams and aspirations. As I continue my education at Columbia University, I remain grateful for the foundation my parents have laid and the invaluable lessons I've learned along the way.

During my third year of college, I was excited for my best friend Charles who had just signed a contract with Alfa Romero. He loved talking about Formula 1 racing and would constantly bring it up in our conversations, even when we were messaging each other.

At the same time, I was also dating someone special - my boyfriend who is only 19 years old but already a junior at Columbia University. We started seeing each other during my first year of college and have been together ever since.

As I entered my third year at Columbia University, exciting news filled my life. My best friend, Charles, achieved a significant milestone by securing a contract with Alfa Romeo, paving the way for his entrance into the thrilling world of racing. Charles, with an unbridled passion for Formula 1, has always been immersed in conversations about racing. Whether in person or through messages, his enthusiasm for the sport is relentless, creating a continuous dialogue that mirrors his unwavering dedication to his chosen field.

My boyfriend, a 19-year-old junior at Columbia, emerged as the second youngest student ever admitted to the university. Our journey began during my first year, and since then, our bond has only strengthened. Navigating the challenges of academia and personal growth together, we've built a relationship founded on mutual support and shared aspirations.

Settled in the tranquility of the park, I found myself engrossed in my writing when a voice I recognized interrupted my thoughts, "Writing again, when will you stop women," It was Louis, a familiar face who often witnessed my creative works. A warm smile was exchanged between us, followed by a tender kiss as a greeting.

Seated side by side, Louis joined me on the park bench, bringing a sense of comfort to the moment. In the midst of our shared peace, he casually mentioned that my phone was ringing, prompting me to reach for it and answer the call, it was my mom calling.

The park, with its soothing ambiance, became the backdrop for this encounter, adding a touch of nature's serendipity to our unfolding story.

"hi, mami, Que paso?" She was explaining how they wanted to surprise Charles and visit him, "Sound good Mom, llego a la casa en la tarde(I'll be at the house later on)" I hung up and lay on Louis, I grabbed my book and continued reading. "Gracie called me and said you didn't pick up, I told her you were probably reading or writing" I laugh and nod, "you were correct," I say, I adjust myself and look into his eyes. "You're pretty" he moves the hair out of my face, "your gorgeous" I blush and place the book, in front of my face to hide the blushing.

As I entered my home, I found my parents seated in the living room. With a warm greeting, I embraced them and settled onto the couch beside them. Before I could ask about my brother Jacob, he entered the room with a cheerful greeting.

Jacob and I made our way to the kitchen. Engaging in casual conversation, he offered me some juice while inquiring about my well-being. As we exchanged pleasantries, I mentioned to him that Mom expressed a desire to meet with Charles. "Mom wants us to visit it, Charles,"

He nods, "You know she always wanted you to date him, should've seen the look on her face when you started dating Louis, she was upset" I laugh and roll my eyes, "never in a million years, they're like my brothers. All three of them" I say putting a blueberry in my mouth, "hey I just washed those" I shrug and sit on the kitchen island. "Yeah she's thinking Italian GP" I turn my body to face him, "That's in two weeks" he nods, "I start school on September 10th, I should be free" my brother has a blueberry in his hand, "open your mouth" he was trying to make it in but failed three times.

"You torture your sister when she visits," my dad says, I giggle and place my hand on my waist.

"I agree with our father" he rolls his, "guessing Big Mouth told you about me wanting to see Charles race" I burst out laughing, I'm guessing my mom has had enough with my brother.

"he said something about Charles at the Italian GP. I Love the idea, haven't seen him in a while" my mom with a smile on her face pressed a button on her phone, "okay done," she says, "Did you have the plane tickets and house ready to be confirmed" She nods and puts a blueberry in her mouth, "yup, all I had to do was press confirm" she says, "why are you guys eating my blueberry's" my brother yells, running out to the kitchen.

"Follow him" we ran after him, but in reality none of us wanted any of his blueberries

One aspect I deeply appreciate about my family is our unwavering support for each other. It's a source of admiration for me—the way we stand by one another. In my eyes, our family appears close to perfection, embodying the kind of unity and encouragement that many people dream of having.

Everything In my life seemed perfect at the moment, my family was great, and my love life; was even better.

I used to sit at that park thinking I would meet somebody there.

I did and that person was Louis. It was so meant to be that I found it somehow magical.

In our initial meeting, he was wearing a Yale sweater to tone down the vibrant teal shirt beneath, playfully called a "highlighter" by his mom. Recognizing the need for a quick fix, he promptly headed to the nearest student store for a more subdued ensemble. This light-hearted and random choice of wardrobe added a touch of humor to our first encounter.

I didn't believe him until he showed me the shirt his mom was making fun of, I then understood why she was. Every since that day we started having conversations here and there.

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