When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop

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It was the beginning of a new year,
and with just three months until my graduation, I found myself at my parents' home.
        Suddenly, my phone rang, and it was Charles. "Hello, best friend," I greeted. To my disbelief, he announced, "I'm driving for Ferrari this year." I couldn't contain my excitement – jumping and screaming, I exclaimed, "AHH CHARLES, I TOLD YOU!" Charles laughed, and I realized tears were streaming down my face. I rushed to the living room where my parents and Jacob were, shouting, "CHARLES IS DRIVING FOR FERRARI!" The whole room erupted in cheers. We were overjoyed for him, seeing his long-held dream finally come true.
Months later
I was waiting for this day, it felt like forever. I'm finally graduating and I can't wait to see what life has ahead for me.

Said one of my school counselors, as they handed me my cap and gown. I softly smile and move from the line.

I was waiting for Louis, "can you believe we're graduating" he kissed me and we walked to the main building where we were returning all the school items we've used in the past. My parents and the Leclercs were visiting for my graduation. My parents wanted to have dinner today so I made this quick before I had to leave.

    I hopped in the shower and quickly changed to comfortable but classy clothing.

I walk out and grab my purse, "I'll be back later girls, I'll miss you guys" They ran up to me giving me a quick hug before leaving

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I walk out and grab my purse, "I'll be back later girls, I'll miss you guys" They ran up to me giving me a quick hug before leaving. These girls have helped me get through this year. Couldn't have done it without them, I grabbed my keys and made my way over to my parent's home.

"Hello," I say entering the living room where everyone is, they get up and immediately run to me. Charles more so, he jumps on me and we both fall, "dude I think you forget I'm a GIRL Charles" I say to him, he helps me up and I hug him. "Glad you're here" I whisper to him, he gives me a cheeky smile and moves out of the way so Pascale and the boys can have their turn.

  We sat at the dinner table, everyone was exchanging words here and there. It was silent but my mom decided to speak, "we're thinking of moving to Monaco" says Mom. My food that was about to go in my mouth just got sat back on the plate.

"What?" My brother and I both say in sync

"Moving to Monaco" We both looked at each other, "Mom what about this apartment, it has my lucky number 4... we also got this apartment when I was 4" She laughed and put her fork down, "Honeybee we paid it off, I also want to be closer to my best friend. This apartment is now yours" my brother smiles at me, I thought he would've been angry so my head snapped towards him. He wasn't. He was happy for me. "It's mine?" They nod. I walk up to them hugging them. "We already found the perfect home in Monaco, everything is set. We leave a week after your graduation, and your brother and you have your rooms. I know you two don't remember much about growing up in Monaco but if you guys would accompany us this summer we would love to. Invite your friends if you want, boyfriend. There are seven rooms, and in two rooms there are two Queen beds" We nod and smile at them, "Summer in Monaco it is"

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