into that dive

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"You're so pretty Ivy," said Bluebell

I lean into her and lay my head on her shoulder, I really did feel like a big sister around them. It felt cute.

"You are too blue," I say, giving her a kiss on her head. She had the biggest smile on her face, it was a bit weird knowing I had three siblings, Olivia was sitting next to my mom while Monty was sitting in the chair next to me. He's so well-behaved, so sweet.

"So how was your date with Lando," asked my mom, bluebell shot a glance at me, "you and Lando Norris? Yeah, I could definitely see that" I laughed and shook my head, apparently everyone could see Lando and me together. Well everyone but me.

"It was good, we stayed in and built Legos. After the helmet issue, he didn't feel quite well,"

My dad had a serious expression on his face but his emotions reached far beyond mere anger, rendering the commonly used term of being "mad" was an understatement because my dad, well he is full of frustration as we speak.

     "In all sincerity, it is my considered opinion that the current entanglement between you two may not be conducive to a harmonious and productive relationship. Both of you possess distinct and contrasting personalities, which could potentially lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Moreover, you Ivy are diligently striving to pursue your professional aspirations, and the presence of the young attractive driver, who happens to be Lando in your life appears to be introducing unwarranted distractions that hinder your progress." Christian said, my father is officially going crazy. Geri looks over at him in disbelief at what he just said, it sounded so formal that it didn't even bother me. "Well it's a good thing it isn't up to Dad, look Lando and I have had this going on for months. He likes me and I can't find a way to like him back, but I care about him so much and I have a huge feeling that means I'm catching feelings. It's not like I want to like him, it's naturally coming to me," I sigh and Bluebell slightly smiles at my dad. He sighed and looked at his coffee.

"I apologize for the way I reacted Ivy, I'm just not fond of the idea that out of everyone in the world, you would choose a McLaren driver. But that is not my business and I am going to respect your decision; as of right now" I smile at him and hug Monty. He was reaching over for my strawberry, "You have strawberries yourself Mon," I took it away from him and he rolled his eyes at me, "You mean Ivy," I looked over him, he had his arms crossed with the biggest grumpy face. I tickle his side and his smile grew bigger, "ok I'm sorry, I'm sorry" everything was good but I saw him eyeing my strawberry again I gave it to him.


"Lando Norris with a girl in Monaco"

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"Lando Norris with a girl in Monaco"

I thought to myself isn't that Joao Felix's girlfriend?

I look up and sigh at my parents, yeah it is and that girl has cheated on him so many times. This time she might cheat on him with Lando though, isn't that great.

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