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Toto took a seat beside me and glanced at the little girl sitting in front of us. He then turned his gaze back to me and asked, "Why didn't you tell us? We would have understood you so much more on why you left." I looked at him with remorse in my eyes and replied, "I'm sorry, to you, Frédéric, and Lewis. I should have explained myself better. I would be happy to work with you again Frédéric. Lily is older now, so I can manage."

Frédéric smiled and nodded, saying, "I would like that." I returned the smile and looked over at Lily, who was happily playing with her toys. Suddenly, i turned my head over due to Lewis asking a question , "Oh, by the way, have you told him?" Confused, I questioned, "Told who what?" i asked in confusion. Frédéric answered, "Lando." My confusion deepened, and Toto must have noticed the expression on my face. He clarified, "He means that Lando is Lily's father." I was taken aback and asked, "How did you know that?" Lewis and Frédéric burst into laughter, and Lewis explained, "She has his eyes and nose." I couldn't help but feel astonished by the revelation.

I looked over at Lily and noticed she had features that were similar to Lando's, like his eyes and nose. I said to the others, "No, actually, Lando thinks Lily belongs to Timothee."

My dad then walked in and heard what I said. He stood behind me and commented, "I've been telling her to tell Lando, but she doesn't want to." he said. My dad has now become very involved, accompanying my biological parents, the Horners, to every race event. It's kind of sweet how he's gotten so involved, they've been best friends for years and I'm glad they're enjoying each others company.

I then told the group, "Okay, I'll see you all out there. Lily wants to make a quick visit to Charles." As I said this, I gently stroked Lily's hair and smiled at her. I took her hand, and she started jumping excitedly as we made our way to the Ferrari garage.

The moment we got there, Lily ran straight to Charles.

Charles picked up Lily and showed her around the car. I looked over at Charlotte, who seemed captivated by the two of them. I watched as Lily ran around, with Charles chasing after her playfully. They were running back and forth, passing by all the different garages.

I walked in front of the Ferrari garage, observing them. "Gorgeous daughter," said Oscar, who had appeared next to me. Since the McLaren garage was right next to ours, his presence wasn't too surprising.

"Thank you," I replied in a flat tone. "Her name is Lily?" Oscar asked. I nodded and looked at him with a slightly puzzled expression.

"You know, I find it strange that you took the name Lando wanted for his daughter," Oscar continued. "It's almost like you stole it right out of his mind just to have a kid with your ex-boyfriend after breaking up with Lando."

I was laughing on the inside, thinking, "If only you knew the full story." But I responded, "Okay, Oscar, that's enough. If Lando has something to say, he should come to me directly, not send his teammate and her full name is Lilianna"

With that, I turned and walked towards Charles and Lily, who were still playing together.

With that, I turned and walked towards Charles and Lily, who were still playing together

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