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Lando's pov
weeks have passed after she was doing shady things with the strolls, for weeks she hasn't been the same. Her smile has faded, and she gets this sort of pleasure when race week is finally over. After every race, she would celebrate with Mercedes or with her dad for about 10 minutes and get lost in the crowd.

    I would then find her in the corner with Lance

Even when I got podium, she was looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face. That's until we started spraying champagne when I turned around looking for her. There she was; with Lawrence Stroll. Playing with her finger and looking around, worried like a lost puppy, that's when I knew that whatever was going on wasn't good for her mental health.

Her expression revealed a sense of nervousness and unease following whatever news Lawrence had conveyed to her. It was at that moment that I realized the necessity of engaging in a conversation with Toto. Despite being aware that Toto wasn't her biological father, he had managed to establish a close father-and-daughter bond with her, he's the person I needed to speak to. I understood the potential consequences of disclosing this information to Christian. I figured that informing Christian about the situation might result in her becoming upset with me, and avoiding such a scenario became my top priority. I had to speak to Toto because day by day she is starting to act like a different person, someone who is completely changed.

This week, without any racing scheduled, I took the initiative to arrange a breakfast meeting with Toto. As I entered the restaurant for our meeting, my nervousness reached an all-time high. Spotting Toto already seated, I approached slowly, adjusting my coat, and settled across from him. "Hello there," Toto greeted, extending his hand for a friendly shake. I reciprocated the gesture and met his gaze. Sensing my anticipation, Toto awaited the purpose of our meeting. Without beating around the bush, I decided to be direct.

"I'm concerned about Ivy," I admitted, getting straight to the point. "It seems like she might be facing some significant challenges, particularly with the strolls. She's reluctant to share the details with me or anyone else, and it's obvious that she's not herself anymore. There's a noticeable fear surrounding this undisclosed secret, and I feel the need to untangle it. Ivy is gradually losing her sense of joy, and I'm genuinely worried about her well-being" I said.

As he took a sip of his coffee, he looked up at me and shared his observations. "I've actually noticed Ivy's change too," he admitted. "Mick even pointed it out. It's been obvious, especially when she's with the strolls; she always seems mysterious in their company." It wasn't just my concern; everyone seemed to be picking up on Ivy's altered demeanor.

"I have a hunch that she's hiding something Lance did, and it might be connected to something unfortunate she did while protecting him," I confided to him. He shook his head, deep in thought. "She's genuinely scared," I continued, expressing my worry. "I'm considering hiring a private investigator to get to the bottom of this." A sigh escaped me as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Concerned about how Christian might react, I explained, "I haven't informed Christian yet, and I can't bring myself to do it first. I fear she'll be upset if she finds out from me." He nodded in agreement, understanding the delicate nature of the situation. That's when we both decided to keep this information confidential between us, opting to handle the matter discreetly.

I returned to the house I rented for my friends and I. We wanted to get away for a week, I found my best friend Max and his girlfriend lounging on the couch. Curious about Ivy's whereabouts, I inquired, "Where's Ivy?" Max informed me that she was in my room, taking a nap.

Heading into my room, I discovered Ivy peacefully napping. At that moment, a strong sense of protectiveness enveloped me, seeing her innocent and sweet demeanor. I gently covered her with the sheets and brushed the hair away from her face.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now