The secret

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Lando Norris pov

Since I woke up, I felt a strange discomfort in my stomach. It bothered me, but I didn't know why. Trying to ignore it, I turned around and saw Ivy arranging her stuff in my apartment while Lily was checking out my helmets. When Ivy looked at me, she said "Pretty." So, I took one of the helmets and placed it on her head to take a picture.

As Lily continued to playfully run around pretending she was driving, I remarked to Ivy, "she definitely watches Formula 1," With each passing moment, Ivy's smile grew wider in amusement.

In response, Ivy turned around and sought out Lily with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Lily, who are you?" Ivy called out teasingly. Without missing a beat, Lily stopped momentarily before resuming her playful sprint and exclaiming at the top of her lungs: "Lewis!"

Surprised by this unexpected choice of racing persona from Lily, I jokingly nudged Ivy, "That's not right, wrong team Ivy," I said before she pushed my head away.

"Actually no, that's the team I work for, her uncle drives for, and Lewis," she said with the biggest smile on her face. Ivy loved Lewis, they were the funniest duo but she's also been in love with him since she was a teen. Which I don't blame because Lewis is good-looking.

We were finishing up setting up Lily's room and chatting on the bed. Lily was downstairs in the garden playing with her toys while we talked. Suddenly, Daniel rushed in holding onto Lily tightly, "There's someone outside for you two," he said.

Confused by his words, we followed him downstairs to find Luisa. "I had just arrived to help you guys but I saw her sitting down in the garden playing around with lily," Ivy looked puzzled as she didn't know why Luisa was there, but I had a feeling she was here to scream at me.

I walked towards her with Ivy beside me as Luisa seemed worried or anxious about something but only managed to say "Um Hi."

Curious about why she came without any prior notice or invitation from me personally I asked her directly: "What are you doing here?"

Luisa clasped her hands together before responding earnestly: "You haven't been answering my messages lately Lando... And once I saw Ivy at the paddock it confirmed what I suspected all along."

In that moment, Ivy was staring at me. "Yeah, I thought you understood," I told her before turning away.

Confused, Luisa asked, "What do you mean?" to which I replied firmly, "I mean we're finished."

Ivy stepped back and turned to me angrily, "So let me get this straight - you want me to move in with Lily while you couldn't even tell Luisa directly that it's over between you two? Seriously Lando? The last thing she probably wants to walk into is me moving in with you with your daughter" Shocked by the truth about my daughter with Ivy and feeling overwhelmed by the situation unfolding before her eyes; Luisa exclaimed: "Wait... she's your daughter?"

Looking up at her sadly nodding in confirmation as tears welled up in her eyes; Luisa ran off towards her car unable to process everything happening around her.

Ivy turned to me and said, "Take care of Lily. I need to go after Luisa because no matter how much I dislike her, nobody should have to deal with this situation alone, Lando." With those words, she hurried off in an attempt to catch up with Luisa.

Ivy's pov

I caught up to Luisa, and thankfully she rolled down her car window. "What do you want, Ivy? Are you here to flaunt your perfect family in my face?" she said bitterly.

Despite feeling annoyed by her words, I took a deep breath and replied gently, "No, Luisa. I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't realize he hadn't ended things with you." She unlocked the car door and looked at me saying softly: "You can sit if you'd like." Quickly moving over to the passenger seat beside her; as we sat facing each other inside the vehicle; Luisa opened up about how she had encountered Maugi at Alpine garage where tensions were high.

"I went because I was invited, she was with a friend roaming around the paddock. I then found out lando was ignoring her, she knew you two stopped dating and tried winning him over. But lando was so broken and drained when you left. I didn't text him but three months later we saw each other at a bar and we hug out, so it became a weekly thing. I would attend the races but no one knew, I would hide very well. We started dating the fifth month and it was going well. Everything. It was perfect but then this year there was rumors about you coming back and he started acting weird. He would give me serious looks and ignore me when others like Oscar or Max spoke. It seemed like he didn't care about what I had to say at all. Whenever he was on his phone, there were pictures of you everywhere, which made my heart sink because it was clear that he still had feelings for you. A month ago, he mentioned wanting to end things between us, but I fought against it and convinced him otherwise. However, after that conversation, his messages became scarce until today when I finally returned from a work trip only to realize that the reason behind his distant behavior was because of you being constantly present in his thoughts. Once I saw you attended the race I knew you were the reason for a fact. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad that I let myself fall in love with him knowing he's in love with someone else," she said looking at the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry Luisa, I didn't know. I kept lily away from him because I felt like I could live without him. And let me tell you; I can. But she kept on asking about her dad and timothee thought it was a good idea to come. But everyone started speculating that she belonged to lando, and I wasn't going to deny it anymore," I said with a soft tone

"In another lifetime I would really like you, you would be a great friend. Sadly in this lifetime lando had to ruin it," she said making us both laugh.

After giving Luisa a quick hug and wishing her to drive safely, I stepped out of the car and made my way back home. Inside, Lando was sitting on the couch with Daniel and Lily. I greeted Daniel warmly, "hi Dani, is there anyway you can look after lily while I talk to her father," I said.

Daniel giggled and laughed knowing lando was in trouble.

As Lando moved to the balcony, I closed the door behind us. With frustration in my voice, I confronted him about his actions: "You're on sick motherfucker." He sat down heavily and explained, "ivy listen, I tried talking to Luisa about ending things but she wasn't ready to accept it yet. I didn't want to cause more pain than she was already feeling. This whole year was ivy this, Ivy that. She was always worried about you. And she had a right to, my fault was letting her fall in love with me when I was in love with you but it was too late."

In response, I warningly said: "If you ever pull something like this on me ; be prepared because this is not some game anymore - there's our daughter at stake." Before finishing my sentence though; he interrupted by reassuring me saying: "We both have responsibilities towards Lily as long as we are alive."

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