Tying you to me?

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"What are you freaking out for"
What was I freaking out for? I was returning to the track in four/ three weeks, and I was not ready. I grabbed my computer as a go check a few things, I was officially done with my last case in New York. Timothee was excited to accompany me, and the guys we're currently on break and we were going to Monaco tomorrow. My parents wanted us to stay with them, I was okay with that idea. My actual home was in New York. Here, I was going to miss it, I'll be back in a couple of months.

Next day
We were walking onto the plane and Gracie and I immediately fell back on our seats. We bought snacks and necessities like board games and cards. Timothee fell asleep and I went to the back to get a few snacks, "how do you feel about seeing him in a couple of hours," I sighed and looked at Lola, "I don't know how this is gonna go, last time I was here it was a mess," she side bugs me and we walk back to our seats.

    Lando was now engaged, so many people would consider us young for marriage but I guess he felt like it was the right time.

Lando's pov
   I was currently over at Charles's place, I reached over to grab my phone and go on Instagram.

      Liked by Lance

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      Liked by Lance.stroll and 863,321 anthers
Ivysinclair: in the words of sza, I said farewell. You took it well
       View all 2,852 comments
Lance Stroll: why you bother me?
     Gracieabrams: my muse
          ⤷Bialastly: got one of the best songs because of ivy
  Timotheechalamet: definitely met you at the right time
    Alexablon: Lily misses you
Ivythecreator: I love you

  I was looking through the comments, scrolling, and looking at every single comment about us. Everyone knew she and we had something, we liked each other but could never make it happen due to being so toxic for each other. Never got to be in the relationship we wanted. Or I wanted. She would deny it, all the time.

     I look up from my screen and Charles puts the cup of water next to me, I smile at him and he looks down at my screen.

  "You stalking her Instagram and the comment section isn't going to help Lando," I turn my phone off and lay back on my chair, "I know, but I can't help the feeling like I did something wrong. Like I'm not supposed to be engaged" he smirks and takes a sip from his water.

           "What mate?"

  "Fernando and Carlos already told you this, you need to think about her too. You're getting Luisa's hopes up just for you to run back to Ivy again. Mate, she has no interest in you. This marriage won't fix the open wounds" I nod and space off. We heard the door ring, and he got up and walked over.

    "Oh shit" I heard, I run to the living room. I see Ivy and her friends, Timothee too.

   I pause in my tracks and they all look toward me, Timothee puts his hands in his pockets and just stares at me. Pretty sure they all noticed because Lola was trying to hold her laugh, and Charles was just looking around like he had no clue what was going on.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now