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So, I didn't end up going to the Emilia GP that happened last week, which I was hoping for.

But today I stayed home with my friends Jacob, Mario, Aimee, Gracie, and Lola. We decided to have a chill night in, watching a movie and sipping on some drinks. Jacob suddenly got up and mentioned he was heading to the kitchen. The girls all followed him, leaving Mario and me alone in the room. Mario then casually mentioned that our friend Pato was around and wondering if I wanted to join him for a night out with everyone else. I found it amusing because whenever we hang out, it usually involves hitting the club, dancing, drinking, buying a bottle, and then taking it with us for a stroll around the city, just enjoying the night. So, Mario said he'd check with the others later to see if they were up for it.

 So, Mario said he'd check with the others later to see if they were up for it

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I walked out of my room, and everyone was ready beside me. After hopping into the Uber, we all headed to the club and joined Pato, who was already at a table with a bunch of people. When we arrived, I greeted Pato with a quick hug, and the night kicked off with a blast. The atmosphere was lively – everyone was dancing, and laughter filled the air.

Even though the music wasn't a slow tune, the more we indulged in drinks, the more spirited the dancing became. At one point, Mario, who was feeling the vibe, grabbed my hand and spun me around like a ballerina. We both burst into laughter, soaking in the joy of the moment. However, during the laughter, I found my mind wandering through memories I once shared with Lando.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded to myself, pondering the curious phenomenon of why, even in moments of absolute fun, thoughts of this person named Lando managed to sneak into my mind. It's funny how even during the enjoyment and laughter, there's this lingering presence that makes me reflect on the memories.

With a smile directed at Mario, I took a step back and strolled over to a table with an assortment of liquors. Feeling a bit adventurous, I grabbed four shots and downed them in rapid succession, hoping to shake off any tension. However, the need for fresh air pulled me outside.

Finding a quiet bench tucked away in a corner, I settled in and reflected on the decision to step away from the vibrant scene inside. As I sat there, tears unexpectedly streamed down my face. A young guy with ginger hair happened to pass by and noticed my emotional state. With a warm smile, he asked, "Are you okay?" I managed a shaky "Yeah, I will be."

He took a seat next to me, offering some comforting words, "Life has its moments that make us want to cry. But you, you're a beautiful girl who will one day be surrounded by happiness, who cares about that boy." His words brought a smile to my face.

   "How do you know I'm crying because of a boy," I asked curiously

He scoffed and crossed his arms, "Not to bash my gender but men are the main reason for always making a girl cry. It's sad but it's true," he was right.

As I sat on the bench, the ginger-haired guy extended his hand to help me stand up. Taking his hand, I rose to my feet, and in that moment, the light hit my face. He peered at me closely and remarked, "You look familiar; I just can't place where I've seen you before." Worried that he might recognize me from dating Lando or working with Mercedes, I simply shrugged in response. He, too, shrugged and casually guided me back towards the club, his hand gently resting on my back. "Wait I remember where I've seen you, you made that song with Tyler the creator," I laughed and nodded, I never thought he would say that.

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