Teal was the color of your shirt

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The Grand Prix had recently taken place in Texas, and I managed to sneakily watch it during class hours. I got a seat at the back to avoid distracting anyone, I witnessed Charles securing the 5th position. Despite the lower rank, his driving skills were truly impressive, and I couldn't help but feel proud of his outstanding performance.

I was on my way to my next lecture, "excuse me do you know where psychics is at" I heard a voice say behind me but I had honestly forgotten, "I actually don't- OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I say jumping on Charles. He starts laughing and hugs me tight.

"Pierre is here too," he says pointing to Pierre who is sitting on the bench. I walk up to him and hug him. "How are you?" He shrugged, "could do better" I laugh and pat him on the back. "wanna sneak into my lecture?" I asked them both, and they both smirked at each other. "Of course," they both said, I walked in with both tracing behind me. And I completely forgot Louis was in my class.

He acts a little surprised and laughs it off. I sat next to him while pointing at Pierre, "Pierre this is Louis, Louis this Pierre"They both waved at each other. Charles and Louis already knew each other so they did some weird handshake they both came up with.

I gave them both a note book, "pretend like you guys go here" they did exactly what I said. They were writing nonsense and giggling, why just why? It was so hard for me to keep in my laugh.

I brought them to my apartment and let them enjoy watching television, just like typical iPad-savvy kids. To make their viewing experience complete, I served them a plate of snacks. Charles insisted that it wouldn't be the same without munching on something while watching TV. It's safe to say that he has a strong affinity for combining food and entertainment.

"Can I ask a question, answer it truthfully. Both of you?" Pierre asks, and we exchange glances before turning our attention back to him. "Sure," I respond. "Have you two ever had feelings for each other?" We both nod, but Pierre seems skeptical. "No," he gives us a suspicious look. "Dude, we're best friends," I explain, "but I think Lando might have feelings for her. I haven't had the heart to tell him that she already has a boyfriend." Charles said. With that said, I got up and walked over to my room grabbing my blanket.

I sat with them in the living room listening to them talk about girls and racing. Until my phone made a really loud ding, "who texted us" says Pierre, I threw my pillow at him and saw someone follow me on Instagram.

Charles grabs my phone, "AH HA LANDO FOLLOWED HER" he says, showing Pierre. I roll my eyes and grab my phone from him. "Yeah and I won't follow him, I have a boyfriend remember" I say to him. I was serious about not following him back, if they were right about him liking me I didn't want to be a part of it.

I lay down on the couch, the girls walk in. "Gorgeous boy is on the couch," says Lola, Gracie laughs, "Gorgeous boy is on the couch, and Pierre" Pierre looks at me and stuffs his face in a pillow. He lays on my shoulder and I pat his head, "you'll find a gorgeous girl to call you gorgeous one day" I say to him, he laughs and says hi to the girls. "Heard they went to class with you, we were wondering where you were" I nod and look back at her, "Who told you?" She looks up at me and laughs, "Your security guard, Louis" said Lola, making them both laugh.

We all decided to walk to the nearest restaurant and eat, they were going home in two days. Pascale and the rest of the boys were at my parent's house. So after dinner, I was heading over there with them two.

   "Let's go boys, I'll see you girls tomorrow," I say to them. I embrace them both in a hug and walk to my parent's penthouse along with them.

"Oh my ivy," says Pascale, she grabs my face and gives me kisses on the cheek. "So beautiful"

Charles walks up to me and wraps his arm around my neck. "You are" I smile and lay my head on him. "Mom, Lando likes Her" he screams, She covers her mouth in disbelief.

  Pascale and my mom start giggling.

"For the last time, I will not be dating a Formula 1 driver. So complicated, and I would hate to have the nerves killing me and hoping they're safe while driving, I already get them when Charles steps onto the track. Next Arthur, I do not want to worry about a third" Pascale smiles at me, she grabs my arm, "Your boyfriend is already lovely my dear" I smile and walk into the room. Of course, Charles and Pierre followed me.

"You really wouldn't date a Formula One driver," says Pierre.

I sit on my bed and face him, "no"

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