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I wasn't speaking to him after the incident that happened in the car, we were now all shopping for supplies and I was walking around with Charlotte and Kika. I would glance at him, and I would see him laughing with Charles, who knows what they were laughing at but I think Kika noticed that something was bothering me.

"Have you two dated? Because I know you have a boyfriend and all but there's tension between you two," Charlotte overheard and walked up to us, "they like each other, Lando is more open about it, Ivy on the other hand denies it," she said.

I look over at Kika, "he just told me to tell him to call off the wedding, and he would, how am I supposed to react to that? It was so out of the blues and I'm in a relationship," their jaw dropped the minute I told them what he said. And I don't blame them because if I were any other person hearing this, I would be in disbelief.

"Little red" I heard my name coming from a person standing behind us, I turned around and it was Mick. "Mickey" I walk over to him and embrace him in a hug. "What are you guys doing?" he asked, I pointed at the guys, "They wanna throw a party so we're gathering snacks and drinks to have at the yacht," he smiled and started laughing. You could see his dimples forming from all the laughing, it made me smile. He was like a golden retriever, always so happy and full of life. "Oh Mick," I overhear Charles say, he walks up to us and embraces Mick in a side hug.

"We done at this store want to join us, we're heading to get party supplies" Mick looks down at me and smiles, "I would love to," I return the smile and Charles looked at us in confusion, "Uh Well okay, you can drive Ivy then" I nod and we walk over to micks car.

"Ivy I have your car," says Lando as we were all walking out, "it's fine, just take it back to my parent's home when we're all done. Your car is at my parent's anyway," he slightly smiles and walks to my car. I walked with Mick and he opened my door for me. We got in and he was looking over at me with the biggest smirk on his face, "Want to tell me why you didn't want to get in the car with Lando?" I sighed and sat straight up to tell him. There was no easy way to say this but I told Mick everything, "Lando asked me to tell him to call off the wedding and he would," Mick's hand went across his mouth and his eyes were as wide as ever. "That's absolutely insane, why would he ask you to do that? I mean I understand he has the biggest crush on you but Luisa's feelings are also going to get hurt during this process," I throw my hand in the air, "that's what I'm saying, and all he said was that he would talk to her, like what are you going to talk to her about, not about calling it off because she called him while I was in the car. And he made me pick it up, she was mad at him, I could hear her arguing with him," he was shook that he started shaking his head in confusion, "this man needs to stay away from you," I point at mick and laugh, "I second that" we both laugh and he drives off.

He confused me with all this going on, why did he have to do this now? I was happy in my relationship and Charles was right, every time I stood near Lando there was drama bound to happen. We arrived at the supply store and I walked over to Charles with Mick. He started laughing at me and I was a bit confused, I looked around and he rolled his eyes. "You look happy now that Mick has come along" I lay my head on his arm, "I love Mick, he's my emotional support person, who doesn't love Mick" Pierre nods and Charles flips my head, "before Mick it was me, fuck you red" I slightly push him, "stop calling me that" Pierre walks up to us and nods, "both of you stop" Charles and I look over at him and flick his head, I could hear a small laugh escape Kika's mouth. "You two are childish," said Pierre, I push him and he pushes me back. I push him harder and he pushes Charles and me, the three of us are now fighting like siblings in the middle of the street. Charles shoves me and I shove him back while Pierre is holding my head back I was trying to escape him.

"You three look like idiots" we heard Landon say, I looked at Pierre and Charles. We all straightened up and looked around, luckily no one was looking at us. I walked into the supply store and started grabbing red ribbons, Lando and Charles were looking at me, "Of course you get red" I rolled my eyes and threw them in the basket, "And what, orange is ugly" Lando puts his hand on his chest like he was hurt by my comment, "that was rude," I shrug and keep on walking. They were all following me around while I was picking red, "I feel like ivy mind is, red, red, red, red, Mercedes, oh wait no red, red, and Lewis," I point at Pierre after his comment, "you are not entirely wrong my guy," I sigh and look at them. "Okay were done"

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