For the boys who broke my heart

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I've recently taken on a new role as a lawyer for Scuderia Ferrari. My colleagues include Charles and Lewis, who are my second and third favorite people on the racing circuit, with Lando now holding the number one spot. As I sat in the garage, observing the activity, Fred passed by with a smile, asking if I was waiting for Charles. "J'ai oublié de te dire que Charles est dehors si tu as besoin de lui, il a une conversation avec Max," I nodded in confirmation, and he gave me a thumbs-up before I stood up to review our sponsorships and contracts. There were stacks of papers to go through, but I paused at one document, setting it aside for later consideration.

Afterward, I made my way over to the McLaren garage, where I greeted Lando with a kiss and Oscar with a quick hug. Then, it was time for the first race of the season, and I exited the garage, ready to support the team.

I'm feeling quite nervous about how this race will turn out. Right now, I'm dressed in Ferrari gear, complete with a Ferrari headset. The anticipation leading up to the first race of the season is making me feel all sorts of emotions. It's quite unusual to see Lewis wearing a Ferrari suit!

As the race unfolds, my nerves are on edge. In the end, Max finishes on pole, followed by Lando in second, and Charles in third. Lewis comes in p4. I offer my congratulations to the winners before rushing over to Lando to express my pride in his performance.

"Lando, you did fantastic my love," I say, to which he responds with a smile and a grateful nod. "Thank you, darling," he says, giving me a quick kiss.

Just then, I hear someone calling my name from behind. It's Lance, accompanied by Mick. He asked if I could look after Lila for a few hours that evening so Lance could take her parents out for dinner. I glance at Lando for approval, and he nods in agreement. "Of course," I reply with a smile.

Turning to Mick, I tease him about his lack of communication lately. "Mick, I thought you disappeared! You hardly ever talk to me anymore," I joke. He sticks his tongue out playfully and responds, "Yeah, you're always off with Charles and Lewis. But it's all good."

In summary, it was a nerve-wracking but ultimately fulfilling day at the race track, filled with moments of pride, camaraderie, and playful banter among friends.

Later on in the day

"No you get the ugly dinosaur I get the pretty one," Lila said to Lando, I couldn't help but laugh. "That's not fair Lila,"

    Lance emerged from his room, straightening his coat and checking himself in the mirror. "Thanks a bunch, Ivy. I'll make it up to you," he said, giving my hair a playful tousle before heading out. "Catch you later, mate," he called to Lando as he left.

Lila giggled and pointed at my now messed-up hair. "Your hair looks funny," she remarked, her innocence adding a touch of sweetness to the moment. Lando seized the opportunity to engage with her, grabbing a toy dinosaur and tapping hers lightly. "Hey, I caught you off guard," he teased, prompting Lila to protest in a playful tone, "I wasn't ready!'

"Pay attention, Lila," Lando chided gently, but his tone was full of warmth and affection. Their interaction quickly turned into a friendly battle of dinosaurs, with laughter filling the room as they played like two children enjoying each other's company. The only thing was, Lila is a kid. Lando isn't.

In this simple yet heartwarming scene, bonds of friendship and family were strengthened, and moments of joy were shared among loved ones.

   As they settled on the couch to watch a show, I busied myself in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the evening. Setting the plates on the table, I noticed Lila's excitement as she dashed over, with Lando not far behind, her infectious grin lighting up the room. It was clear that Lando cherished their time together, evident in the gentle way he followed her lead.

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