All along there was some

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Mick was walking around with us

     Timothee wanted to walk back got the garage after he saw that my brother got him a drink. We dropped him off and I looked over at Mick, "he's nice Rose" I smiled at him and nodded, "So how'd you feel when you saw all of that" I sighed and nodded my head.

         "It was weird and uncomfortable," I said
He nodded and gave me a side hug, I relaxed my head on his arm and looked at the McLaren garage, "Well at least life's going good in the States huh?" In the distance, I would see my brother chasing Timothee and then both playing around, weird but okay.

         "Yeah, you're right" I smiled at him and walked him to his garage as it was about to start.


      "I start p5 for qualifying"

   Charles says to us and he walks out to get interviewed by Lissie. I grabbed my bag and phone as we were leaving the garage. Charles would finish up and meet up outside. We exit and I look to my right, Carlos is now in Ferrari. And Daniel in McLaren. Daniel waves at me and I wave back, behind him was Lando who is just staring at me

    I could hear Timothee sigh and walk up towards me, "So are you going to tell me what the deal is with you two or? Because there's definitely something going between you two." I look at him and slightly smile, "There isn't he's just my friend" he nods and looks at Lando, "Yes that's hard to believe considering he's still staring at Ivy." I roll my eyes and grab his arm.

    "I'll explain later, I promise. Just not right now"
He nods and we toward the exit.

   As we were about to leave Lissie grabbed me and stood me next to Charles, "Ivy, stand right here" She was walking towards Lando and Carlos whom she dragged. What the fuck? I'm not even a driver why would she do this?

    "How do you feel about your best friend qualifying p5," I smiled at Charles, "he could've done better," I said in a sassy tone.

    "no I'm joking he and Carlos did absolutely amazing today and I'm proud of them, I have to go Lissie Bear. A little girl by the name Lila is looking at me right now" I say running out of the frame and picking her up.

"They going from," she says and we all laugh, Lizzie and Charles, were laughing.

Charles ended up meeting us at the parking lot, I got into the car and Timothee was staring at me.

"Is he the reason why you didn't want to come to a race" I nod he looks at the wheel, "Okay, well whatever you tell me don't tell the small details. I want to eat" I laugh and sit there telling him everything. It was about an hour but he listened.

He looks over at me, "Max Verstappen too, jeez Ivy I was standing right there with him" I grab his shoulder, "I know I'm sorry" he nods and kisses my forehead.

"It's alright my love, let's go" As we were pulling out Lewis asked him to lower the window. I could see Timothee was too stunned to even believe Lewis was in front of us. He walks over to my side.

"Carlos and Charles were probably going to notify you but I'm inviting you to a dinner I invited the drivers and family. Please come? You were my Mercedes family." I smile at him and nod, "Okay then". He waved at Timothee and he was just staring at Lewis, "I am so sorry I'm just a huge fan" Lewis was giggling and looked at me, "Oh I definitely like him" I laughed and we left the track.

Pierre was at my parent's house eating our snacks.
I walk up to him and smack him on the head, "'We're about to eat Pierre, put the snacks down gasly" he rolls his eyes and puts them in their correct placement. He buttons his shirt and I walk off into my room where Timothee is changing, "you ready, everyone ready that's why" he smiles and we walk out of the room.

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