Getting lunch down by the lakes

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It was the middle of the night when I heard a knock.
                            It was just Lando

     "She's not my girlfriend" I look at him confused, "what?" I was so sleepy that I couldn't comprehend anything this man was saying, it was the middle of the night and he decided to speak right now. "Lando go to sleep" he stops the door from closing.

    "Ivy that is not my girlfriend, she is my childhood friend who just wanted to make you jealous on our way to dinner with some other friends. She has a boyfriend but she just wanted to help out, ivy I like you and It's been keeping me up all night" I was staring at him, why now? I was so sleepy.

     "Lando we can't be together, you can't I just- c" he cuts me off and starts yapping, "but we can Ivy, ever since I saw you I couldn't keep my eyes off you but decided I needed to respect your relationship. Ivy can we just try"

    "We can't Lando"

"Why ivy"

         "Lando we just can't okay, we can't do this. I'm sorry"

     "No Ivy that isn't a reason, I want you to give me a reason why you can't instead of just saying it repeatedly" I sigh.

"Because I'm dating Max," his facial expression changed, and he walked away from me and didn't say a word. I closed the door because although I knew I would feel all this tomorrow, I was sleepy right now.

It Bahrain

   Lando and I haven't spoken since October, so last month.

    I was in the Mercedes office when Lewis walked in, "am I allowed to talk about this" he handed me a paper and I reviewed it, "no because Red Bull can make a lawsuit, although you can talk about what Max said to you, do something about that" he laughs and looks at me, "what" I say

    "It's funny how you're dating him and telling me I can throw shade at him" I shrug

           "If they disrespect you, then disrespect them back is all I'm saying Lew" he smiles at me and I follow him into the garage. Charles runs into our garage and hugs me, "You have the craziest life" I look at him, "What?" He was walking with me holding my shoulder, "dating a driver from your rival team, working for your dad's rival team, your dad is Christian Horner and your mom is Geri" I laughed and sorted the papers before handing them to Toto.

    There was so much work but I was so happy to have so much work to do, unlike my last job. I had so much free time I felt like I got my degree for no reason.

      I walked out of the garage and bumped into Lando, this time he did have a girlfriend her name was Luisa. She was pretty and super kind, I don't know when they started dating but she's nice.
  "I'm sorry Ivy," Lando says

I was looking down at my papers so I forgave him by putting my hand up.

    "So busy now huh" I turn around to look at him

   "Oh hi Lando" he shakes his head, "on your way to your boyfriend" I look around because of what is happening right now, "uh yea" I say looking at him weirdly and walking away. What's his deal?

   Charles walks towards me and smiles, "So I want you to meet someone" I smile at him and sign some papers I was going over, I give them to George to hand them to Toto.  I look up at Charles at sigh, "What Your Highness?" He laughs and grabs my arm. There was a girl in the Ferrari garage, a girl I didn't recognize, "hi I'm Charlotte" I smiled at her and hugged her, "I'm Ivy" I looked at Charles in confusion.

    "She's my girlfriend"

I drop my pen and scream that he covers my mouth, I look around to the whole Ferrari garage looking at me, "Oh my god about time, and she's so pretty" I hug her and look at her.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now