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Three weeks later

I was back in the office

The room was so quiet that even the slightest sound, like the drop of a pen, would echo loudly. Everyone was focused on their work, preparing for an upcoming race. Aimee entered the room, and I put away my notebook to talk to her. She asked about the sponsorships, and I handed her a list of our current sponsors and some potential new ones. She seemed happy with the information, and I offered to do more research if needed.

"Toto will be pleased," she says walking away

As I concluded my tasks for the day, I took a moment to glance out the window and noticed the arrival of an individual in a sleek Ferrari. A subtle amusement overcame me as I observed the scene, contemplating the fact that every other car in our parking lot happened to be a Mercedes. It seemed like the owner of the Ferrari was in for a unique experience, they were about to have a field day for that. Returning my attention to the paperwork on my desk, I patiently awaited a call from Toto to confirm that everything was in order.

As the tranquility of the library-like atmosphere persisted, the hushed ambiance allowed me to pick up on the distinct sound of approaching footsteps in the hallway outside my office

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As the tranquility of the library-like atmosphere persisted, the hushed ambiance allowed me to pick up on the distinct sound of approaching footsteps in the hallway outside my office. Aimee, once again, made her way into my workspace, wearing an expression of puzzlement. Taking a seat in the chair across my desk, she greeted me with a subtle smile and shared, "Ivy, there's someone here to see you." I couldn't help but wonder why she felt the need to sit down for such a simple announcement.

Responding to her statement, I shot her a quizzical look and reached for the folder resting on my desk. With a sense of purpose, I began organizing the scattered papers on my desk and carefully placing them into the folder. My destination was the nearby cabinet, where I intended to secure the contents with a lock, adding an extra layer of confidentiality to the proceedings.

   "If it's Gracie and Lola tell them I'll be out in a minute, I'm just waiting for Toto to call me. It should take about 20 minutes," I say looking at my watch and smiling at her.

    "Oh you'll want to go downstairs for this," she said with a smirk on her face checking her nails.

During our quiet office environment, Mario, our marketing director, entered the room, his reflecting curiosity as he gazed at both Aimee and me. Breaking the calm, he addressed me directly, stating, "Ivy, someone is waiting for you downstairs. Were you aware of that?" This revelation left me in a state of confusion, prompting a shared puzzled look between Aimee and me.

Reacting to the unexpected news, I rose from my seat, placing my hand on my hip in a gesture of confusion. I wanted answers before I walked closer to her so with my hand on my waist, I tapped my foot looking at them like children who had just gotten in trouble. The unfolding scenario added an intriguing layer to the day, leaving me eager to uncover the mystery of the visitor waiting for me downstairs.

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