Now I send their babies presents

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Four months later

After the Spain Grand Prix concluded, we hurriedly boarded a plane on the same day to head to Spielberg for some much-needed rest. Once inside the aircraft, I found a comfortable spot and rested my head on Lando's shoulder. As sleepiness set in, my eyelids grew heavier until I eventually succumbed to sleep.

In my dream, I found myself in a vast park, surrounded by lush greenery. Lila and Lance were joyfully running around with me. Meanwhile, Lando observed us from a distance. Strangely, his expression seemed melancholic and exhausted, as if he craved some relaxation. The significance of his behavior eluded me, leaving me puzzled about the emotions he conveyed in the dream.

As I stirred awake, I found Lila nestled on Lando's lap, engaging him in conversation about her school friends and how she misses them. Her words stuck to me, I didn't know eat her she liked traveling with us or hanging out with her friends at school. Contemplating whether a temporary return to London would afford her the chance to reconnect with her friends, I gently broached the topic with Lila.

"Would you prefer to go back to London for your studies, sweetie?" I inquired, hoping to gauge her feelings on the matter.

To my relief, Lila responded with a smile, reassuring me that she was satisfied with our current adventures. She expressed her joy in spending time with Penelope, Kelly's daughter who hangs around the paddock emphasizing that she wasn't feeling lonely or isolated.

Her words warmed my heart, reaffirming the bond we shared as a family. Despite the occasional doubts and uncertainties that crept into my mind, witnessing Lila's happiness served as a constant reminder of the joy she brought into my life. With her by my side, I felt reassured in my decision to embrace this unconventional journey, cherishing every moment we spent together.

Next day

The racetrack stretched out before us, strangely devoid of the usual hustle and bustle. It was an eerie sight, and curiosity compelled me to explore the empty expanse. Charles and Lando accompanied me, but even they seemed perplexed by the unusual circumstances.

As we ventured further, the only signs of activity were the open garages of McLaren and Ferrari. It was a puzzling scene, and my questions lingered unanswered. Our steps led us into the McLaren garage, where I was met with a surprising sight – a vibrant pink car occupying the space where Lando's car should be. Some of the drivers were standing around it, and Lila was holding onto Kika's hand while looking at me.

Baffled, I couldn't help but voice my confusion. "Whose car is this?" I inquired, searching for an explanation. Lando, with a hint of a smile, responded, "It's yours."

The acknowledgment struck me, and a mix of emotions welled up inside. A subtle smile formed on my face, accompanied by a single tear trickling down.

As I stood on the racetrack, surrounded by my loved ones, warmth enveloped me as my parents approached, planting gentle kisses on my cheeks. My brother tenderly brushed aside a stray strand of hair, planting a kiss on my forehead. Their affectionate gestures filled me with a sense of gratitude and love.

Jacob's words, "You deserve everything," echoed in my mind, reaffirming the support and encouragement I received from my family. As Charles and the boys joined us, their excitement was palpable, pointing eagerly towards a pink go-kart that had been specially crafted for Lila.

The sight of the pink go-kart brought laughter to my lips, tears of joy pooling in my eyes. Lila's infectious enthusiasm mirrored my own, expressing her admiration for the pink car, "When I grow up can I get one like mama's, here is pretty," we all laughed and I gave her the biggest kiss.

Lando extended a helping hand, urging me to change before taking the car for a spin. His supportive gesture filled me with gratitude, and I quickly complied, eager to embrace the exhilarating experience that awaited me on the racetrack.

As I prepared to hop into the car, a wave of excitement surged through me as I eagerly anticipated to feel the track. However, Lewis's voice cut through the enthusiasm, expressing concern and a plea for caution. "I wouldn't worry too much mate, she knows what she's doing. On top of that Max is going to follow her around, he's staying behind her in case," Charlie said with a grin.

I glanced to my left, Max prepared to join the race in his own car, "the only time I'll be able to overtake max is in this moment; I must cherish it," My dad playfully scoffed at the remark, while Lando, always by my side, extended a helping hand as I prepared to take my place in the car.

In a surprising twist, just as I was about to settle into the driver's seat, my fingers brushed against an unexpected object – a small box. Intrigued, I retrieved the mysterious item, casting a puzzled look at Lando. Swiftly removing my helmet, he confronted me with a question that would alter the course of our lives: "Will you marry me?"

The atmosphere held its breath as he awaited for my response. Without a doubt I yelled, "Of course" echoed with joy, marking the beginning of a new chapter for us. Overwhelmed with happiness, I leaped out of the car, rushing to embrace him and sealing our commitment with a heartfelt kiss. It was a magical moment, and I clung to it, reluctant to let go, as the promise of a shared future filled us with boundless joy and love.

"Alright, Ivy, hop into the car! Let's hit the track to race and then enjoy a celebratory meal for you and Lando," exclaimed Max, as I eagerly climbed into the seat, ready for action. As I eased out of the pit lane, I initially took it slow, savoring the anticipation of the ride ahead.

But once I was out on the track, a surge of exhilaration washed over me, reminiscent of my teenage years spent learning to drive with Charles by my side. It was a nostalgic feeling, one that I wished could last forever. Max trailed behind me, occasionally itching to overtake me, but he held back the urge, as I watched him next to me I gave him the green light to pass me. And I just knew this man was happy.

Eventually, we circled back to the pit lane, and I stepped out of the car, overcome with affection for the vehicle. "I adore this car," I declared, planting a kiss on its sleek exterior. Charles chimed in, "Well that's good to know; because it's going home with you. Like mine, it's getting hung up on your wall," The news filled me with childlike excitement and I couldn't help but bounce with joy.

Lila, holding onto my mom's hand and with Geri by her side, lika called me out "Mama you're so funny," adding a touch of sweetness to the moment. Meanwhile, my dads chatted in the background, their conversation added a comforting environment that made me giggle with warmth and happiness.

After wrapping up my time at the track, I changed back into my regular clothes. Arthur, with a mix of curiosity and surprise, blurted out, "What's DRS?" His question reminded me of an old friend who used to ask similar things, who wasn't quite comfortable with the idea of girls being into Formula 1. I chuckled at the memory and nudged Arthur because this was our little inside joke, he then responded with a friendly side hug.

As our group exited together, I found myself uncertain about our next destination, unlike the others who seemed to know what the plan was. Rather than asking, I decided to follow along without asking questions.

Once we reached the car, I made sure Lila was comfortable, handing her some toys for entertainment as she settled into her big girl car seat. I couldn't help but steal glances at her throughout he car ride, she was smiling while playing. But I always questioned myself if she was truly happy?

And I think she is

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