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They broke up

     I wasn't going to talk to him but he was coming over because Charles wanted to play with him. Two big boys wanting to play with each other, no it's weird.

     I was on the couch with Charlotte, we were going through TikTok until I heard the door. Charles opened it and to no surprise, Landon walked in, he waved at us and I felt awkward.

     After a couple of minutes, Joao called me to ask if I was free later on. I was but told him I was busy, "Guys I ordered food, can you and Lando go get it," I turned around and nodded, no I could not what? The amount of rumors that would start! Nope, "Yeah no, I don't want rumors," he laughed and threw his head back, "Oh right Joao, just go please," I groan and Lando picks me up.

    "Hey, it's still early. How about we eat and go to the club later" I said, they were all fond of the idea and so were some of the other drivers when I asked if they were busy.

     "You taking Joao," said Lando, Charles looked back, I'm guessing he wanted to know too, "yeah let me text him,"

i'm busy right now with Charles but later on, we're planning to head to the club with some of the other drivers, would you like to come?
                                               I'll see you there then, what time should I be there and text me the club

be there at 7:30 pm, I should be there by then
                                           See you then love
he called me love, huh


   "Lando and Ivy are friends again, they were seen picking up food in Monaco"

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   "Lando and Ivy are friends again, they were seen picking up food in Monaco"

    Landon drove me to my parents' house to get ready, when I entered the house they were watching and making food, "hello darling," I walked up to my parents and gave them a hug. They were playing music in the background. When I walked into my room I only had two hours to get ready. It had to be quick because Lando said he would pick me up in an hour and a half, I grabbed my clothes lay them on the bed, and started working on my hair and makeup.

 It had to be quick because Lando said he would pick me up in an hour and a half, I grabbed my clothes lay them on the bed, and started working on my hair and makeup

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