wrong arms right

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Belgian GP
   "Okay so you two need to sign this, but read it first please," I tell Lewis and George. They have a habit of signing things without reading them.

    It was just a contract that DTS wanted them to sign but they needed to read it. I hand it over to them and put it in a pile with the rest of the papers that I have to look over.

    "Ivy can I speak to you," I turn around to see Toto calling me over, I get up from my seat not knowing what the conversation would be about.

   "Yeah, what's wrong?" He scratches his head and looks around, he hesitates. "Do you think you can take them to their interview when they finish the race," I smile at him and nod, I thought he had something bad to tell me but this was easy. "Yes, I would love to, don't even worry about it," I walk away from him and walk up to the guys. "Get up, you guys have to get ready now," they groan and slouch on the chair. I grab them both and drag them out of the office.

  I was waiting for them to change until they finally came out, I walked over with them and had them follow me. "Garage," they both nod and it was hectic in the paddock, so many people were walking around.

    We were at the garage and they had them preparing, from here and on these boys were not my problem anymore. I walked away from them and made my way to my dad, "Hi Dad," I smiled at him and embraced him and my mom into a hug, they were talking about the weekend plans, next week's plans, and how they wanted to take me out to eat. I was okay with that, I knew they wanted to spend much more time with me. I wanted to give them that. "Uh Ivy can I speak to you," says Max. I kiss my parents on the cheek before leaving them, "yes what's up," I say walking with Max.

   "How are you feeling about the whole wedding thing being off," I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder, "woah woah, these need to be good before I'm on the track," we both burst out laughing and Charles walked over to us with Lando.

     "Why are you two walking around," says Charles, I look over at Max who is giving them an annoyed face.

         "Oh my bad, get away from me Ivy. Like 10 feet away," We were being dramatic so I went as far as I could and waved at them. "God you two are insufferable, I can see why you guys get along so well," Charles says with a big smile on his face.

   "So how are you two?" says Max, he was looking at Lando and me.

    "Uh good," we both said in sync, they both laughed at us.

   "What is so funny," Lando asked. Max and Charles share a glance before running off and leaving us together. "No that's something Charles thought to do," Lando chuckled, "oh definitely," I looked at him and he smiled at me, "Okay, I'm giving them what they want, can you do dinner tonight," I look up from the floor and stare at his eyes, was he being serious? "I- can't do that and you know that lando,"

   "Please don't think about that, just think I'm not Lando. Ignore the part where I'm a driver," I sigh and look at the sky. He wasn't going to let this go, "okay Lan, what time," I could see the smile on his face grow bigger and bigger.

"Wait, you're not going to stand me up, right," I laughed

   "If you don't get away from me right now I will, sounds good. Go on Norris," he turns around and Charles runs up to him. I walk away from them

   "fuck yeah mate," I heard Charles say, I rolled my eyes and walked over to the Mercedes garage.

  Max had told Kelly that we had previously had something going on, she was so understanding and trusting. She had a daughter and Max was okay with that, and it was cute. I put my headphones on at the same time as Toto, I didn't notice until they replayed it.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now