All along there was some

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"She's going on a literal date"

Says Carlos, I shake my head. "No, I am not" Lando wasn't laughing. Lewis was, he was making the most out of this joke, I turned around and saw someone standing at a far distance. It was Louis, I stopped laughing and walked over to him. "Louis" I said hugging him, he was serious. He wasn't laughing or even smiling, "You went out with Lando last night?" He says.

"Yeah but because I just found out some hard news and well those are some friends I made, even got to meet Lewis. Uh, we were bored so some of us are just talking but I" he cuts me off, "What am I doing here ivy, you have new friends. New people in your life, they're nothing like me. I don't belong here, I don't belong here anymore. This is your new life. You need to live it without me" he says leaving me to stand alone on the track.
I look back and Charles and they come walking toward me, "hey, you'll be okay" says Lando, he grabs my arm and walks me back to Charles. "Now you're not cheating on him," says Carlos. We all giggle a bit and ignore the comment.
"What was he even doing here"I say, charles scoffs, "Ivy, today is the day you guys agreed on meeting" My heart drops. I completely forgot it was today.

My head goes completely blank and to the day we agreed on those plans.
                   "I can't wait to visit you, I hope it comes quicker" he was so excited.

I snap back into reality and look at Lando, I was contemplating my decision. I probably seem like the worst person at the moment. I sigh and put my pass on, I walk away towards the drive to survive crew and grab some papers.

I felt like an asshole, how could I forget that he was coming today. They started rolling and honestly, my job was done, all I had to do was check if it was okay to start rolling. And make sure we don't get sued. I grab my phone and look up. Charles was standing in front of me with his arms crossed.
"How could you forget, did he not text you Ivy"
"No Charles he didn't look"
I was about to show him the messages but he did text me, I just didn't see. I was so not disturbed that I didn't even notice my boyfriend texted me.
I sigh
"He did, didn't he?" I nod and feel distressed
I walk away from him and into the Red Bull garage.
"Hi," my two biological parents look up at me and smile.
"Hi Ivy" he walks up to me and brings me into a hug.
Geri looks up at me and hugs me, she smiles at me and I smile at her. She grabbed my face and I felt like crying at this moment. There is no way these are my real parents what the actual fuck.
"We invited your parents, they should arrive tomorrow" I didn't even know they were coming but that made me feel much better. I smile at them and Christian walks up to me, "heard you're going out with Max today, he's a good guy; don't you have a boyfriend" he says crossing his arms. Geri laughs, I nod
    "Well I don't have a Boyfriend anymore but I am going out with him. We've seen each grow up. We want to catch up" he nods.
I smile at them both before walking away.
I was so confused that I didn't know what to do, I wanted to leave. I grab my stuff and start walking towards the exit.
"Where are you going?" it was Charles, he had a tone that I recognized.
I roll my eyes and my phone starts ringing like crazy. It was Twitter, he walked up to me and I opened the app.

Charles covers his mouth and shakes his head, "This is not good" I smile at him and laugh, "No really? I thought this was amazing news Charlie" he looks up at me, "Are you leaving?" I nod

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Charles covers his mouth and shakes his head, "This is not good" I smile at him and laugh, "No really? I thought this was amazing news Charlie" he looks up at me, "Are you leaving?" I nod.
   "You were gonna watch me" I look at my phone, "no Charles I'm so stressed right now" he grabs my arm and starts dragging me with him, I wasn't even going to resist. He was taking me to the McLaren garage... why??
   We walk in and I look around. I was about to dump into Carlos. "Charles be careful" Lando was standing next to Carlos laughing.
   "Make her giggle or something she's stressed and look at the tweet that's been blowing up her phone" he tries taking my phone and I snatch it back. He gives me a serious look, "Give it IV" I nod. He was just looking at me and at any time he was about to attack me. He jumps on me and tries to grab my phone.
   "Charles you're heavy," I say struggling even keep my balance.

         "Mate she's so tiny get off," Carlos says, I can just hear Lando laugh. I manage to get him off me and pull his hair, "do not touch me" I said pulling his hair and looking at him. He was now at my level. I had my phone up in the air. I let go of him and he takes it.
    Charles unlocks it and creates a barrier so Lando can read and I wouldn't interfere. He was done and hands me my phone. He was surprised.

   "It's bound to get out soon as much as you don't want it to ivy, this is your first race at work and people are bugging you. Welcome to paddock" he says putting his arm around me.

   Charles looked at him and I wanted to laugh, he noticed his arm and he's like an overprotective brother.
    "Okay guys I have to watch the race from a garage and this one is not mine," I say looking at Carlos and Lando
   "It could be" Charles grabs my arm, "Hey this is mine, don't take" I look at him because he snatched me from Lando.

    I slightly push him, "You need a girlfriend Charles, leave me alone" he lets go of me, "fine stay with him, I don't like you two right now. and I'm TRYING" he screams at the end.
   "Trying what?"

"To get a girlfriend" we all laugh and he pushes me towards Lando and into his chest. I could smell his cologne. He smelled so good I started blushing.
    "Enjoy his company traitor, maybe he can drive you to your date" Lando laughs and hugs me. Hugs me in the same position I was in, so my head was in his chest.
       "you two look like a couple, I'm telling your dad. Anyway bye traitors" he says leaving.

    "Lando I can't breathe" he lets go and looks down at me.
     "Uh okay I think it's my cue to leave," says Carlos, we both look at him confused.

     "He left me, I thought he was going to come back for me. I have to walk alone to the Ferrari garage now" I nod my head
    "We were joking you could stay here,"
I was now standing alone and he went to speak with Zak. I recognized him, and Christian told me about him. He started walking up to me and I saw a pass in his hand. He puts it over my head.
   "Yeah that's better, red isn't for you" I look around offensively. "Oh okay," I start laughing, "Oh that's a compliment I promise, orange is just better in you. Have fun sweetie," he says laughing and walking off.
Lando had his arms crossed, he was looking at me and smiling.
     "He's right" I laugh and he walks me over to my seat, he also tells me I can stand. There was no way I was going to spend this race with McLaren.

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