You regret

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Lando's pov

   "Hey, Mom,"
                                           "Hello honey, why'd you call so late?"

"I have something to tell you; do you remember a couple of years ago when Ivy left to work in New York,"

                                   "Of course I do Lando, you cried that night. You missed her but you knew that it was the right thing for her,"

"Right; Mom she was pregnant. With my child, and it's crazy but she looks exactly like me,"

"I had a feeling, that baby girl was yours...looks way too much like you. I am happy for you if you're happy,"

"I am, she's so cute and behaved,"

"Oh then she gets that from Ivy because you were a crazy child, always running and yelling,"

"MOM! Hey!,"

"I kidding sweety"


Ivy was a restless spirit, even now I could see her small figure at the edge of the pier, probably gazing out at the endless horizon, searching for something her heart longed for. Lily, was still at her grandmother's house probably playing with her toys not having a clue that her mother was heartbroken.

Ivy tried to be brave, to smile and say she missed me. But her words were like fragile paper boats tossed upon a turbulent sea, easily swallowed by the truth that raged beneath. He made her happier than I ever could. He painted her world in vibrant colors, while I seemed to only bring shades of gray.

And yesterday... yesterday, I saw the truth etched on her face as she walked away from him. It was a look of pure heartbreak, a silent scream muffled by the weight of responsibility. She chose me, chose Lily, chose the familiar ache of our life together over the soaring promise of happiness he offered. Each step I took towards her felt like a nail hammered into the coffin of her joy.

My heart ached as I watched her, a fragile bird with clipped wings. Her gaze drifted towards the endless expanse of the sky, her lips whispering unspoken words, questions perhaps, or maybe pleas for guidance from a force beyond our understanding. A single tear escaped, tracing a shimmering path down her cheek before she captured it with the corner of the white linen napkin. The napkin. My stomach twisted as I noticed the embroidered initials, a constant reminder of the love she so desperately craved.

Hate wasn't the right word. It was more complex than that. He had shown her a glimpse of paradise, a love so intense and consuming that anything less felt like a pale imitation. And in doing so, he had inadvertently built a wall around her heart, a wall I feared I could never breach.

"Hey mate," a friendly voice broke through my reverie. Charles, a beacon of normalcy in the storm of my thoughts. His quick side hug was a jolt of warmth, a reminder that friendship, at least, still offered some solace in this tangled web of emotions.

"Hey Charles,"

"Are you stalking her?"

*Laughs* "No just wondering about her and him,"

"Look mate I just came to say hi quick but I have to go, but before I do. Ivy is heartbroken right now, and it might feel like you can fix her, but you can! You just have to be better than he was. Not just with materials, but with loving Lily and her, they love affection. Be better, don't just be you,"

The weight of their expectations pressed down on me, heavy and suffocating. Everyone said, "Don't change for anyone," but how could I not? Lily, my innocent daughter, deserved a present father, not the shadow of a man I'd become. And Ivy... she deserved someone worthy of her love, someone who understood the precious gift she offered.

So I have to change. I shed the careless skin of my past, embracing responsibility and commitment like a life raft in a stormy sea. With a deep breath, I stepped onto the boat, the polished wood gleaming under the afternoon sun.

"You have to get rid of this boat," I blurted out, the words tinged with an unexpected bitterness. "It makes me sick to my stomach knowing who gave it to you."

A watery laugh escaped her lips, and she brushed away a stray tear. "I agree. I'll sell it and we'll buy a new one!"

Her response surprised a chuckle out of me. "I was joking, Ivy. This boat is beautiful. You can't let a bad memory cling to it forever. Turn it into a good one, like you always do." Gently, I rested my head on her shoulder, drawing strength from her nearness.

"Your head is heavy, Lando," those are the words she's always said to me once I leaned into her. She was my favorite person to be with, and my favorite person to lean on.

I could tell that Ivy was still dealing with a lot of new and intense emotions. Right now, she seems to be feeling really confused and sad about everything. Lily is such a stunning girl, just like her mother. I made a promise to myself that from this point on, I would give my all and strive to be amazing for both Ivy and Lily. But as time went by, memories kept coming back to me - reminding me how much I've always loved Ivy even though it felt like she never stayed around for long in our relationship.

It got me thinking: Did she ever truly love me the way I loved her? It seemed like no matter what happened between us before, Ivy didn't want things official or committed with me. Now here we are again – will she actually try this time without running away somewhere else?

"Dude, open the door," I heard Jacob's familiar voice calling out. He was accompanied by Gracie and Lola. They were waiting for me to unlock the small entrance of the yacht even though they could have done it themselves.

"Oops, sorry guys! Ivy is on the top deck," I apologized as they entered. However, I sensed that something wasn't right; they seemed aware of my troubled state.

"Don't be downhearted, buddy," Jacob reassured me with surprising insight into my thoughts. "I know she loved him but she chose to leave because you were always in her mind and heart. You will always hold a special place there."

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