Time, curious time

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"Really Ivy"
I woke up suddenly and saw Louis looking at me, I tried getting up but the pain of the hangover was getting to me. I hold my head and lay back down, "what happened" he scoffs, "You left with your little friends" I laugh and then notice he wasn't laughing. "You weren't there?" He shakes his head, "You didn't want me there" I scoff and walk over to the bathroom.
He walks over to me and grips my wrist, "what did you do?" I look up at him, "Louis you're hurting me" he was staring into my soul, "you're hurting me Louis" I say trying to get out of his grip.
We hear the door open and it's Lando, he lets go. "Your brother is asking for you" I look over at Louis and follow Lando out of the room, he looks at my wrist and I hide the redness with my sweater.

"Tea please, the tea you make" I laugh and walk over to the kitchen, my parents were sleeping so I was trying to be as quiet as possible. They were upstairs but this house made noise so easily. Louis walks into the kitchen, "You get another man's attention and you completely forget about me" I drop the tea bag on the table, "Louis, just shut up" he backs me up against the fridge, "one thing I hate about you is how much you gain attention from other guys, but also how easy you are" he said throwing the tea bags on the floor. He walks out and I stand there. What has gotten into him, he's never acted this way before. And to be brutally honest it's getting scary.

     Lando and Charles walk in, "are you okay?" They ask, I nod and look around the kitchen, "what are you looking for" asks Lando, I try to avoid eye contact with him, "tea bags" he kneels and walks over to me, "he throws them on the floor after he called you easy remember" he whispers I look at him and back at the tea bag.

    .  I grab them from him and slightly smile, "thanks" I say avoiding eye contact and warming up the water.
Charles walks away and Lando sits on the counter, I look up at him and smile. "You want tea?" He nods and I serve him a cup. I walk into my brother's room and leave the cup on his nightstand.
   "Where's your girlfriend?" He smiles and shrugs, "think she went back to NYC this morning" I was so confused. Did she just come for half a day? Interesting. I walk back into the kitchen and see Lando looking at his phone.
   "You shouldn't let him treat you like that" I sigh and look up at him, "I think it's because you're here, he's never acted like this" he nods, "still," he says walking away.

I walk into my room and see him reading, I take the book away from him and place it on the chair. "Don't ever touch me like that, don't ever speak to me like that. Because I am not the one Louis" he looks up at me and sighs, "I am so sorry ivy, I didn't mean to come out acting like that. I genuinely would never do that" A part of me knew he was telling the truth, but I was so embarrassed that Lando had seen. "Good," I say walking into the bathroom. I was setting up my things and ready to shower, I grabbed my outfit and walked into the shower. I needed the shower after that hangover. My head was spinning.

I walk out and my mom calls me to the living room, "Someone is calling you" I run with my mom and grab my phone

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I walk out and my mom calls me to the living room, "Someone is calling you" I run with my mom and grab my phone.
  I walk into a different and empty room to take the call.
I walked out and they were all staring at me, "it's Netflix, they want me to be one of their lawyers" I said a little surprised.
     "But aren't you doing drive to survive" I nod at the question Gracie had, "Yeah but instead of individual shows, it's Netflix," I say a little shocked. Charles looked a little sad but still happy for me, "that's amazing Ivy" he gave me a hug and walked back to the kitchen.

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