On your first trip to LA

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I got to the paddock and I was getting rushed

"Ivy please revise this" I heard this about 20 times now, and I'm hearing it all over the place. I take the paper and stake it with the rest. I was sitting down highlighting everything they had to take out, like why would you allow someone to be on camera with logos? We're gonna get sued.

I was finished pretty quickly and had them over to them, "Is that all, I respect is that all?" They look at all the copies and give me a thumbs up. I love my job but I feel like my job is more of a f1 job than Netflix. I barely do anything.

I walk over to Red Bull and say hi to Christian, "Oh just the person I wanted to see, who are you rooting for today" I look over at Alex and Max who are looking over at me. "You know who, but today I have a really bad feeling about him; so Nando" he laughs and hugs me.

"How are you darling" I grin at him and walk absent from the driver. We began strolling and in spite of the fact that it was likely too much to drop on him, I told him everything that happened recently. His mouth dropped approximately each time I told him a nitty gritty portion.

      We walked over to Geri where we would tell her and she would also act surprised. "Well Ivy, I'm glad you won't be getting married at this young age," she says hugging me from my side. Yeah, I'm also very glad I won't be getting married at that age.

Max walks in and takes his gloves off, "Hey Ivy," he smiles at me and walks away. Christian looks at me and smirks, "Oh you what some Red Bull" I start laughing and Geri covers my face because I started blushing.

When the race started I decided to watch it with them, I was standing and following the whole time like a little kid and I found out I had a sister and a little brother 14 and 3. I was actually gonna meet them at the next race which I was excited for.

The race was over and Max didn't do so well so when he came back Christian gave him a hug and a motivational speech about he shouldn't worry about it too much right now. He takes his helmet off and smiles at me, I walk up to him and give him a hug. "It's okay Maxie," he puts his head on my shoulder. "I did so bad" Charles did too. The only one that did well was Lando. I smile at him and walk to the McLaren garage. I see Landon and run to him, "NANDO" he picks me up and spins me. I'm pretty sure the camera got that because it was pointing right at us.

He puts me down, "your the only one out of the three men I know here very well that did good. Congratulations Lan" he smiles and thanks me.

They had to do interviews and all but we left the minute they were done, we walked straight to the car to get ready for tonight.

I went to my room and told Max to meet me there so we could get ready together.
I heard the knock and knew it was him, I opened the door and he smiled at me. He puts his stuff in the cabinet and I walk back to my mirror. He walks into the bathroom where I'm sitting in the sink and he laughs at me, "What are you doing Ivy," I smile at him, "My makeup" he looks at me and I look back at him. I started to feel my cheeks get super hot.
He gets close and I do too, he grabs my face and I let him kiss me. Oh fuck, no what did I do. I start smiling and he looks at me, "And that too" he looks at me and walks out of the bathroom to iron his clothes.
"Ivy what are you wearing so I can iron it" I point at the couch and he takes it outside.
When I was ready I put my dress on and he put his clothes on.

"I really hate that your favorite color is Ferrari's color but it looks good on you" I smile at him and we walk out

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"I really hate that your favorite color is Ferrari's color but it looks good on you" I smile at him and we walk out. We were heading to the elevator when we heard two obnoxious people screaming from the end of the hallway, "you guys ready to turn up" says Lando jumping, I look at him and tap him to stop jumping, "Look at me in the eyes" he was staring at me, "oh you two were already drinking" I roll my eyes, "woah" he says and keeps walking with Charles.

      There was a personal driver who took us, and when we got there lando and Charles were the first ones out. I had to get out of the car running after them. I then saw Pierre and he smirked at me when he saw Max, he walked up to me.
    "I don't date drivers," he says laughing, smacks his shoulder, and walks up to Max. "My children are lost" he grabs my wait and leads me to the table where I lay my bag.
    "Ivy, you had it" It was Carmen, I just started to get to know her very well. Other than Isa, she's the only other girl I talk to. "Hi Carmen, let's go get shots" Max looks down at me and smiles. I grab his hand and drag him with us. We all took shots but today felt personal because I kept on going and going that I lost Max. I was dancing with Carmen and Heidi when I heard someone start laughing.

    It was Lando, he was laughing at something George told him.

    He sees me and puts his arm around my waist, "Ivy" I look at him, "Yes Lan" he smiles at me, "I need water and a bit of couch" I start laughing and take him to the couch. I grabbed water and put it in his mouth because then man could not hold it. He wasn't too drunk but he kept on saying that something was bothering him..

     "You look nice Ivy" I smile at him and put the water down, "you always do," he says looking into my eyes. I smiled at him and he was staring into my eyes.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now