Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs

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   I hear Dawson say, he wanted me to go over the paperwork. The only problem was that Lando was standing next to him. I walk over to him and he hands me a few papers, I look over them. I was flipping and skimming through the pages, "so take out this, unless you guys want a lawsuit. And I don't think you guys want that considering I'm your lawyer" I say handing him the papers and walking off.

He was looking at me as I was talking to Dawson and didn't exchange one single word. He just stared at me. I slightly smile at Martin, the director as I walked off. I found my way to the Ferrari garage and sat as I had a cup of water in my hand.
The race was done, I grabbed my purse and waited outside for Charles. He looks at me a bit worried. I had no idea what was going on but chose to ignore it.
"You need to talk to your mom because the information that I just found out before the race is killing me" I had no idea what he was talking about. I nod and walk with him to the car. I waited for him to open the door but he just stood in front of me, "You should talk to Christian" I was a little confused.
"Uh, who?" He hands me a photo of a man and me a baby girl, "that's you as a baby" I nod, "oh okay" he points at the man in the photo and gets in his car. He really just left me here. I look around the parking lot and shrug, I walk back and get my passes out. I was walking around until I saw the Red Bull hospitality.

     As I was about to walk in a guy stopped me, "Only Red Bull workers can walk in" I showed him my pass and card that Drive to Survive gave me. I look at it and up at me, "Okay just wait here, let me conform this. Sorry that I'm not trusting you there are just millions of people who try getting in" I nod and give him a soft smile. I was waiting outside when I saw Lando. He waved at me but I quickly put my head down, I didn't want to acknowledge him. I turn back to the Red Bull worker.

   "Your boyfriend doesn't drive for Red Bull?" I turned and it was Lando. "My boyfriend? If you're talking about Charles he is not my boyfriend. You know that" he shrugs and puts his hands in his pocket, "okay ma'am you can go in" I turn back around and walk in.

      I was a bit confused when walking in, I looked around and didn't see anyone familiar until I did.

   "Hi," says a tall boy, I smile at him because it was Max. Max and Charles have known each other ever since they were kids.  "Hi Max" he smiles at me, "Ivy" he knew who I was, thank god because that would've been embarrassing. "do you know where Christian is?" He gives me a confused look, "why are you looking for him?" I shrug, "I have no idea but I just am" he laughs and I look up.
   "He's in that room with his wife, just knock and you should be good" he points at the room at the end of the hallway.
I nod and walk towards the end of the hall. What was I doing, I looked up at the number, and as soon as I was about to knock they opened the door. "Oh hi," he says. I slightly smile, at his wife who I'm guessing was in the back of him. She was smiling but I quickly saw his wife's expression change. I was confused but, he had a bright smile on his face.
"Do you know my parents or me?" He was confused, I can tell. "What's your name?" He asks, "Ivy Sinclair" he looks at his wife. They invite me inside and close the door.
"How old are you?", Geri asks

"I'm 19 almost 20 next week," I say, she smiles.

      He had no words other than stare at me, "What's in your hand" I hand it to him. And he puts his hand over his mouth. I look at them both confused but I immediately start clicking the dots. She was crying and he was in disbelief, "oh my god, I'm adopted" I say, they both look up at me, "You two gave me up. My parents aren't my parents?" They both get up, Geri tries getting closer to me but I back up.

"I'm sorry, I will come to you guys when I'm ready but not right now," I say with tears in my eyes. I ran out of the room and Max was sitting having a cup of water when he woke up to check if I was okay, but I ran out and ran to the parking lot. I called Charles to pick me up, but he wasn't answering the phone. I start breaking down and throw my phone on the floor. I was in the parking lot alone with no ride home, no Charles. He told me not to take my car so I didn't, I should've. I started crying and leaned on the news rest fence.
"Iv are you okay" I turned around and Lando was standing behind me. "Go away Lando" he walks up closer to me and hugs me, I start crying on his shoulder. "My mom and dad and Christian Horner and Geri" he looks at me, "What?" I throw my hands in disbelief, "Yeah I said that same thing. I'm adopted. My real parents aren't my real parents, my real parents gave me up" I start saying. He grabs my hand and leads to me his car, he opens the door and closes it. He walks over to pick my phone up, luckily it didn't break.

  "I'll take you to Charles" I nod and I see my phone ringing. I look at Lando and he nods, it was my mom. I picked it up, "you know don't you honey" I was having a hard time swallowing, I could feel a lump starting to form in my throat. Any minute now I'd start crying.
"Yeah," I say

"When you were smaller, after Jacob we couldn't have another kid. It was impossible. They told me that, so Geri accidentally got pregnant and asked if I wanted you. You were like a miracle to me because no other friend would ask that, so I said yes" I didn't know that, and tears started falling from my eyes. Lando was looking at me until he walked out of the car to go who knows where.
"Why didn't you tell me, I would've been okay if you did. Why did you tell me this just now? I was just standing there so confused Mom" She sighed and I could hear her crying.

   "We're sorry sweetie, we are. We hope you can one day build a relationship with them like you have with us. They always ask about you. Even on your graduation. They paid off the penthouse so you can always have a home in New York" my dad says.

  "So they knew who I was when I walked in" I could also hear my dad crying.
"Yes darling" I was so broken.

   "I love you guys, and no matter what you'll always be my real parents, I will one day try and have a relationship with them but I forgive you two. You always supported me no matter what Mom and Dad, I love you guys" I could hear them both laugh in joy.

   "We love you too and go easy on your brother. He always tried telling you" My smile faded but ignored it, "I will Mom, bye guys" I hung the phone up and looked straight ahead.
Lando opens the door and hands me water, "drink" I nod and he opens the water for me.

"Can you take me to my brother" he nods
I'm knocking on the suite and a girl opens the door, she is smiling at me. Charles was in there, I could see him. I walk in and Lando follows me. "Um, who are you?" I look back at her, "jacobs sister, now get out" I push her out and lock the door.
"Dude that's why new girlfriend, you can't be doing that!" Says Jacob, I was so confused since he was just dating some other girl.

       I walk up to him and slap him. "How about you get your shit together and make a better living for yourself, try to act like a playboy but you're not fooling anyone. You want a healthy relationship so badly but the girls that you go for are so trashy just like you. I trust you with all my secrets with everything Jay and you never told me about Christian" I say crying, his face was filled with disappointment.

   "I am so sorry Ivy, I couldn't" I nod and scoff, "but you could've because everything was a lie Jacob, I hope you feel everything I felt in a matter of seconds," I say looking up at him, his eyes were getting watery. I look at Charles, "and you; don't even get me started with you. YOU LEFT ME? You left me when you knew that news was going to break me. You left me alone when I was so vulnerable in that moment. I had no one, I had no way to go home. No one but Lando, I fucking hate you for that. You hand me a picture and leave fuck you Charles" I say crying and walking towards the door, I open it and slam it.

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