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Mexican Gp

    "If you two don't stop playing right now, I will call my father to get you two out of here," Max and Checo were following George and Lewis around for who knows what reason.

"But we're just talking," Max said

"Yes and they need to change so let's go," I pushed Lewis and George to walk away and grabbed onto Max and Checo like two lost kids.

Christian turned around and let out a sigh, expressing his frustration. "Dad, it seems like you misplaced your drivers," he said. "I've been searching for them both, thank you, Ivy." As I glanced to my right, I noticed Zak standing in the corner of the garage. Just then, Toto walked in and down at me with excitement. "Wow, it looks like there's a party going on in here! Let's go, Ivy," he exclaimed. I smiled and waved at everyone as I followed the tall man.

"So what's going on today," I said, I grabbed the paper on the table and he closed the door behind me. "Why are there rumors that you have been telling the McLaren drivers our tactics," I was a bit taken by the question, I would never in a million years do that. Especially because I love this job.

   "I hope you know I wouldn't do that," I said

    "Oh I know you wouldn't but that's not what I'm asking. Have you and Lando been fighting again and he did this out of rage?" he said, I was confused because Lando wouldn't do that. I'm sleeping in his room and everything has been good with us.

              But that's when it hit me

"No, but Zak told me last season to stay away from the McLaren boys or else, I never knew what he meant and I thought everything was okay considering he asked me to join the team but clearly not. I'm pretty sure this is him, it has his name written all over it," toto nodded and rushed out of the doors, I knew where he was going.

As he walked faster and faster, I struggled to keep pace with him. We entered McLaren Hospitality, and he hurriedly searched for Zak. "why are you messing around? She's just a girl doing her job, and you're accusing her of leaking our tactics? That's absurd, even for you. You have to stop this, or I'll find something to report you to the FIA so they can investigate you!" Toto said sternly. Oscar and Lando quickly came out to see what the commotion was about.

   "What's going on," They both asked in sync

"Zak reported Ivy for releasing our tactics to you guys," said Toto

   "But that's impossible because she would never do that to you, she wouldn't do that to anyone or for anyone," said Lando

    "Yeah tell that to Zak," I said before walking out and Toto following behind me, I just got here; the drama has started. May the season begin.

   After the race

"you jumped on me first," Lando said.

   He wrapped his arms around my waist as I kept playfully jumping onto him. "You look absolutely stunning," I beamed at him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Suddenly, he cupped my face and showered me with kisses, making me giggle as I tried to wriggle free, but he held me close. I burst into uncontrollable laughter, and he gazed down at me with a warm smile. "I know you'd never betray our friends like that, my love. You cherish your friendship with those guys," he said, his smile widening as mine did too.

    Las Vegas gp

"There are so many people here," I said, there were people following us asking for photos, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the restaurant where the rest of the drivers and their partners were waiting for us.

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