the seasons

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Right now, we're in Las Vegas attending the Grand Prix event. I was trailing behind Lewis and George, observing everything they did. Interestingly, I didn't spot Lando around, nor did I receive any messages or hear anyone talking about him.

As we made our way to the event where they were meeting fans, I found myself overwhelmed by the amount of people rushing towards us. It became quite chaotic, and we had to pick up our pace to stay ahead of the crowd. It was a bit of a hassle, but we managed to navigate through it.

Once we were led to the private room, I sat next to Lewis looking at my phone. I had gotten a message from Mick, he got lost in the crowd.

As I was about to text him back there was a loud knock on the door, George opened the door to Mick running in.

"I was just about to message you back," I said, he slightly pushed my head.

At the Grand Prix event, Lewis and George participated in engaging with fans by signing autographs and taking photos. Mick and I had the opportunity to closely observe them during these interactions. It was quite amusing to see George playfully acting like a child, drawing a nod of approval from Carmen.

After the event concluded, we hopped into a car that chauffeured us back to our hotel. As we arrived and stepped out of the vehicle, we strolled into the hotel lobby, momentarily forgetting the presence of numerous fans around. It was a bit of a lively scene, with fans eager to catch a glimpse of the racing personalities.

"Ahhh," I sarcastically scream as I was getting sucked into the crowd, "I got you," Mick says pulling me by my arm.

As we quickly ran to the elevator we laughed at the gesture of him yanking me, "So let's go to my suite and take some shots," Lewis said. With the smile plastered on my face, I was more than excited.

Of course! Here's a more detailed and expanded version of your experience:


As the night unfolded, Lando slipped from my thoughts, and I found myself engrossed in conversation with George. Our discussion veered towards the topic of Texas, and we shared a few laughs about Daniel's peculiar obsession.

While immersed in conversation, the events of the day seemed to fade away, and the camaraderie with George brought a sense of ease. It was a moment of relaxation and banter, allowing me to momentarily forget about the earlier hustle and bustle around the Grand Prix event.

The door opened and it was Oscar walking in with Logan, I smiled at them both. Oscar seemed confused by my presence as I hugged them both.

"You got here quick," Oscar said, I furrowed my eyebrows, completely confused by his statement. Seeking answers, I placed my arm on Logan while directing my gaze towards Oscar, attempting to learn the meaning behind his words. It made no sense considering I've been here the whole time.

"Well Lando said you were waiting for him in his hotel room, that's why he was so eager to land," Oscar says with pure confusion in his voice. He hasn't even texted me that he landed, what was Oscar talking about?

That's when the doors opened and most of the drivers walked in, Despite my attempts to comprehend, I remained puzzled by Oscar's statement. It dawned on me that I had never been inside his hotel room, leading to further accusations in my head. It was at that moment when realization struck – if I wasn't in his hotel room, then who was?

"Then who was he going to see," Logan says, I grab my coat and make my way through the crowd of drivers and their significant others.

"What's his room number, Oscar," he sighed, "1482," he said trying to calm me down.

"Ives you can't jump to conclusions," says Charles.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now