Cold was the steel of my axe to grind

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Lando's pov

As I was about to leave the room, I overheard Ivy expressing her feelings to Zak, saying she loved me. Surprised by what I heard, I quickly turned back, grabbing Oscar to join me. Oscar, equally taken aback, had his hand covering his mouth as he spoke, "She admitted that to Zak, she sounded proud of it to mate,"  With a mix of emotions, I smiled and nodded in acknowledgment, affirming that Ivy's words carried a sense of certainty and sincerity.

January of next year

   We were all attending a party, Ivy and Zak were engaged in conversation when Lewis entered, bringing some news with him. Lewis greeted Ivy with a slight smile, indicating he wanted to speak with her privately. Observing Ivy's reaction, I noticed a shift in her expression, although it was difficult to interpret whether it was positive or negative. Her face took on a serious demeanor, suggesting that the news Lewis brought might have been significant or concerning.

As he walked away from her, she turned her attention back to us, her gaze lingering on each of our faces. Holding onto Oscar, she seemed lost in thought until he gently tapped her head, breaking her reverie. "Lewis is making a big move—he's heading to Ferrari next year," she announced, her tone in shock, she seemed confused. Zak, visibly surprised, watched as she placed her cup on the bar. Then, dropping another bombshell, she continued, "And he wants me to go with him." Oscar's expression mirrored his shock, but I couldn't deny feeling a twinge of surprise myself at Lewis's unexpected proposition.

At that moment, Charles approached from behind Oscar, his eyes locking onto hers. There was a certain intensity in his gaze that made me briefly wonder if there was something more between them. However, I quickly dismissed the thought, attributing it to mere speculation.

   "And are you coming ivy," Charles asked.

He extended his hand toward her, he patiently waited for her to reciprocate. She hesitated, glancing at his outstretched hand, then took a step back with a smile on her face. "I need to talk to George first," she explained, her words indicating the need for a conversation with George, she loved Lewis but she also loved George as much, they're like family to her. He, in response, smoothly placed his hand in his pocket and affectionately kissed her forehead. Their closeness, which I knew had always existed, suddenly triggered an unfamiliar pain of jealousy within me.

Before walking away, he left her with a choice, saying, "It's up to you." With those words, he departed, leaving her standing there. She turned to the three of us, still visibly shocked by the revelation. "I'll be back; I'm going to find George," she declared, disappearing into the bustling crowd of people who eagerly called her name and waved in her direction.

"Hey, mate, hate to break it to you, but I reckon Leclerc might have his eye on your girl," remarked Oscar casually, taking a sip of his drink as Zak nodded in agreement. Dismissing their concerns, I retorted, "Nah, they're just pals."

Unexpectedly, Lance chimed in from behind us, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "You've got it all wrong," he interjected. "Ivy and I have been friends for ages. We even dated and you all know that, and Charles couldn't stand it. He was always jealous, trying to one-up me just because of Ivy. Always embarrassed me in front of her, making me feel like I didn't belong on track because of my dad, he did it all, and he made sure I knew it was because I was dating Ivy. Remember that argument you two had over Luisa? Well, if I heard correctly Daniel caught them locking lips outside the bar. And apparently, Charles went to Ivy's workplace months later to see her, playing the concerned friend card. But let me tell you, Charles and Pierre, they've got a bit of a shady reputation. She is blinded by those two, make sure to get that confirmed before you bring it up to either of them mate"

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