mystical time

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The light was shining on my face

  I got up and went straight to the cafe where I told Lando I loved going. I grab my belongings and my way out of the room and into the living room.
   "Where are you going"

"Cafe, I have some work to do that Mercedes sent over so I gotta do that" he nods and says bye to me.

    I felt so relieved when I stepped out of the apartment. When I got to the cafe, I ordered a coffee and made my way to the back of the cafe where there was a library. I sat down and started to research Louis, he's currently working but Microsoft but where is he getting so much money from?

    He grew up in a semi-wealthy family but they don't fund his expenses. Weird, there's no way he got this money on his own.

   I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped, I turned around

  "Lando what are you doing here you race in five days" he sits in front of me, "I know but I came to check on you just today, can you lie to him and say you're hanging out with Gracie" I look at him and shake my head, "yea"

    I called Gracie to let her in on the plan and say I was staying over with her but at her parent's home in Brooklyn because it's been months since I had seen them.

  I call Louis


    "Yes Ivy"

"Uh, I'm staying over at graves parents' home if that's okay with you. I just haven't seen them in a while and they're kinda bugging me to stay over and I don't want to be rude"

  "Yeah that's fine but please be careful and text me in the morning when you're on your way"

   "I will bye"

      I grab my things and make my way out of the cafe with Lando. He led me to his car and luckily the car had tinted windows. I look over at him and he is already staring at me, "What are you doing here Lando" I say in a low tone.

   "Max, Charles, and I agreed for one of us to come and they told me to come" I nod and look at the road, "Okay, why didn't Max come?"

   He rolls his eyes and his jaw clenched, "Want him that bad?"

  I looked over at him and I didn't say a word after that, "he's my boyfriend Lando" he nodded and turned the car on, "right so much for not dating Formula 1 drivers, huh Ivy"

   The whole ride to the hotel was quiet, we were staying in Manhattan but tried to hide because paparazzi were everywhere.

   We ran to the elevator giggling and laughing at the fact that we were trying to hide. We get into the elevator and I run into his arms laughing with him. "You think they know it's me" I point at his ID, uh definitely.

  We walked into the room and I plopped onto the bed, "hey how's Luisa" he sighed and smiled, "Good, she wanted me to come to New York as well"

Luisa's pov

   I was currently on a plane with Max and Charles, Charles was talking to Charlotte.

Charlotte was mad at him for not being there for Ivy, when something like that is dropped it's horrific. Ivy is going through so much right now and she needs as many people around her.

  Max sits in front of me and is reading a book, "Are You in denial"

    He looks up from the book and closes it as he places it on the desk next to him, "of what?"

   "of them two?" He was staring at me and tried to ignore the question, Charles turned back to look at us and looked back at Charlotte.

   "No, they don't have anything going on Luisa"

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