Gold was the color of the leaves When I showed you around Centennial Park;

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A year later

Lance was in my living room, "I'm sorry to walk in without a notice but; I want lila, you are okay with that right? I think I'm ready," he struck me by surprise that the knife fell out of my hand.

I made a promise to myself that when Lance felt ready, I wouldn't stop him from taking Lila back. I sat down, surprised that he wanted her back. But deep down, I felt like I didn't want to let her go because she felt like family to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Are you sure about this, Lance? I won't give her back just for you to regret it later," I warned, picked up the knife and pointed it at him. Lance laughed and nodded. His words hit me hard, "I am more than ready to take my little girl back," he said, causing a painful sensation in my chest.

I grinned and agreed, "Whenever you're ready, I'll sign the papers so you can have Lila back." Lance smiled back before leaving. Lila was out with Lando, and a few minutes later, I heard the front door open. I was sure it was them.

"Mama, Nando got me strawberries!" exclaimed Lila with excitement. "Yeah, and look who we found," added Lando. Behind him were Max and Charles, waving at me. "Sit down, we're going to eat soon. And, if you can, invite Penelope, Kelly, and Char," I suggested. They quickly took out their phones to make the invites.

An hour later, the house echoed with the laughter of children, and the table was filled with delicious food. As I sat next to Lando, I could sense that Max knew something was wrong but chose to overlook it, focusing on enjoying the meal with the rest of us.

Penelope and Lila shared a joyful moment, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for them both. Watching Lila, I realized she might soon be taken away from me, it pained me to know that deep down inside as much as I wanted to keep her; she needs lance in her life. I kept reminding myself that Lance was her father, so I couldn't deny him his wish.

Once dinner was over, I took care of the dishes and then joined everyone in the backyard. Taking a seat among them, I greeted everyone with a smile, trying to push aside any worries or doubts I had about the future.

"Are you guys looking forward to getting married next month?" Charles asked. I nodded, but Lando noticed something off. "You don't seem excited," he remarked. Charlotte chimed in, concerned, "Yeah, Ivy, you seem off. Is everything okay?" I tried to maintain my smile and nodded, but tears began to stream down my face uncontrollably. Everyone noticed and looked worried.

"Lance wants Lila back, and I can't refuse him. He has every right," I explained, my gaze falling to the playground Lando built, as I watched Lila playing with Penelope. "But he shouldn't," Lando interjected, his pain evident. "He can, though. I promised him I wouldn't deny him when he felt ready because Lila needs her father," I confessed, tears still flowing.

"Oh, honey, one day you'll have your own blessings. I promise," Kelly reassured me, pulling me into a comforting hug. I leaned into her, finding comfort in her embrace. But I couldn't ignore the sadness in Lando's eyes.

A week later

Lando's pov

Ivy was lying on my chest, with Lila nestled on hers as they enjoyed reading a book together. Their giggles and laughter always melted my heart. Yet, if anyone saw us in that moment, they'd think everything was perfect. But I knew better. In the quiet of the night, I could hear Ivy's tears, her sadness echoing through the house. She had grown to love Lila, and so had I. So, the situation weighed heavily on both of us.

"Hey, Nando, are you going to watch me race tomorrow?" Lila's voice interrupted my thoughts. Gently, I wiped an eyelash from her cheek and mustered a smile. "Of course, I am," I assured her. She beamed with excitement, jumping up and down in anticipation.

End of pov

The wedding day was drawing near, but there was a pressing matter at 4:30 pm—a moment where I had to sign papers indicating that Lila wouldn't be under my care just a week before my wedding. It felt uneasy. I knew I would miss her. I had never envisioned having a family because I didn't feel prepared for parenthood. However, this situation made me realize that, even though I might not be ready for a child right now, having Lila in my life had become essential.

I got ready for the appointment, hopped into the car, and headed to the courthouse. Going over the papers with the judge, it dawned on me that I was now in Lance's position. The agreement stipulated that I would have visits from Lila every Saturday, and the thought tugged at my heart. The moment arrived when the paper was placed in front of me. Hesitation gripped me, but I knew, deep down, that Lila living with her father was the best for her. I reluctantly put the pen down after signing.

As soon as we were allowed to leave, I rushed to my car and broke into tears, overwhelmed by the weight of the decision.

  I didn't want things to be like this, having her in my home was like a blessing. She never once behaved in a wrongful manner, if anything she was the best thing to happen. She's not my child, I have to remember this. Although I blame Lance he's her father, i can't help but feel like I'm angry at him. This was way too soon, he took her sooner than expected. And not only that, but he took her when she was my company to every appointment for my wedding planning. Dress shopping appointment? Lila was there. Cake decision appointment? She was also there. Bridesmaid dress fitting appointment? She was there. She was there for it all and I enjoyed her company. Now I don't know when I'll see her.

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