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I woke up to a call

    "Get your ass down here in 20 minutes Ivy, I told my dad to meet me today. And you're coming"

I groan because I haven't been around the Stroll family in such a long time, the last time was maybe three years ago when his mom and I went out for a coffee.

    "fine, I'll be there in a couple of minutes. You're so lucky I showered last night or I would've had you wait an hour"

   I hang up and groan loudly one last time. I remove the bedsheet so I can get up and ready to meet Lawrence. I wasn't going to lie, I felt like shitting bricks because of how nervous I was.

    His dad has always liked me so let's hope he has an amazing memory to remember who I was

    I walked over to my luggage where some of my clothes were still,  I loved unpacking but slowly became a hater of it when I started traveling so often.

    I walked over to my luggage where some of my clothes were still,  I loved unpacking but slowly became a hater of it when I started traveling so often

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I walk to the elevator

   When I got to the lobby I made my way toward Lance, "Where's your daddy?" he laughed and pointed to the door.

    He was walking through the doors when I fully turned around and smiled at him, he looked up from his phone and finally noticed me. His arms go wide and embraces me into a hug.

"Ivy, I never imagined you joining us for breakfast. I've always liked you especially more than that Melissa girl he's dating now" he says with a disgusted look on his face.

I giggled and looked at my shoes

"Let's go, guys, the driver is waiting for us"

We follow behind him as I see the Bentley waiting for us. I'm not surprised frankly.

I got into the car and my phone started ringing, it was my father. To be honest, I was scared for my life.

I answer the phone

"Qué hicistes Ivy" I hear my dad say
(what did you do Ivy)

"de qué estás hablando papa(what are you talking about Dad)" I know acting dumb was just making me look stupid.

" En qué problemas te involucrastes Ivy, Charles me llamó diciéndome que te vas casar con Louis por una demanda. (in what problems did you involve yourself with, Charles called me telling me that you're marrying Louis over a lawsuit"

I had to lie my way out of this

"Papá, estaba bromeando, te llamo después porque tengo que conocer a algunas personas pero hablaremos más tarde, lo prometo, amo a Louis. (Dad, he was joking, I'll call you after because I have to meet some people but we'll speak later I promise, I love Louis)" I say to him as I hang up.

"Talking to your dad in Spanish, now I know something is really going on" He had known me since I was in high school, when I spoke to my parents in Spanish that meant it was serious.

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