so pretty to think

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Charles was awake

It's been a week since then and thankfully the Brazilian GP was cancelled so that meant the guys got to stay longer to check on Charles. He would get to go home today and I was so happy.

He went back to the hotel room where we were all originally staying, I've tried hiding away from Lando and Max these past few days. Max and I argued about Lando and didn't go well.

They were offering me so many jobs in the US, jobs where I would actually work on cases like I wanted to. Today I decided if I wanted to go, and I said yes.

I walked up to my dad and told him everything, I told my mom and they were both happy for me. I told Toto and that's when he said that the position would always be open for me. I smiled and gave them all a hug, I had called my parents yesterday telling them the plan and they loved the idea of me putting myself first. Even telling Charles was hard but he smiled and cheered for me as loud as he could.

New York

That's where my home originally was so that's where I was headed to, and to my girls. I've missed them. I didn't tell anyone else I was leaving, not Lando even Max.

I got on the flight and didn't think back, my life had been so chaotic ever since I met those two. The part was my fault not just theirs. I was looking outside my window when I found myself smiling outside the window. I couldn't believe I was actually leaving, I blocked Max and Lando. And didn't think once to unblock them. I smile and put my phone down to watch a movie and look over the case I was given. It was on this movie star, he was getting sued because he allegedly hit someone with a door. But the bruises don't look like they would come from a door. They looked way too dark like someone had tribally hit her. Abuse. Weird

A month later

"Ms. Lomati, the allegations made against him are severe. It is claimed that he caused you harm by striking you with his car door upon opening it, and subsequently attempted to flee the scene. However, it should be noted that the visible bruises on your body do not align with the type of injuries typically associated with contact with a car door." I say looking over at her, she was staring into my soul and looked back at Timothee, yea Timothee Chalamet was my client. As boy was I getting a paycheck out of him.

"I was riding my bike"

"Your bike? where left or right?"


"Okay, Ms. Lomati did you know that's illegal in the state of New York, just because so many don't follow the rules that doesn't mean you shouldn't and then want to take it to court."

"He hit me with his car DOOR, and tried leaving?"

"objection," her lawyer says

I look over at the judge who is staring at me and Timothee, "Overruled" I give him a smirk and pull the papers from my folder, "Her bruises don't match a car accident, here are some photos of the accident that happened next door. The Lady did get hit by a car door? In the correct lane"

She looks over them and backs up at me

"These show that Ms. Lamati's bruises were'nt from that door but rather than her husband who has been abusing her and her children, I spoke to the school where they told me the kids showed up with numerous bruises on their bodies without an explanation. Although you might not get a paycheck you can get help, Ms.Lamati. You and your kids" Her eyes started to get teary and I really hoped she broke because this case had been going on longer than it should've.

"Objection," her lawyer says

The judge looks over at her lawyer and rolls her eyes, "Mr. Jackson I ask you to please take a seat. Overruled"

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