Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

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I felt like my life was ending.

While Lando played with Lila in the backyard, I quietly slipped into her room, which Lando and I had lovingly decorated. Every toy and piece of clothing she had chosen held special meaning for me. But now, I had to prepare myself to let go of it all. A tear escaped my eye as I thought about the imminent change.

"Momma, can I get ice cream?" Lila's voice interrupted my thoughts. I wiped away the tear and summoned a smile as I looked at her, with Lando standing behind her. His smile faded, indicating he knew I had been crying over Lila's impending departure.

"Of course, sweetheart. Go for it," I replied, watching as she grabbed Lando's hand and they left for their treat, her giggles echoing down the hallway. I sat on her bed and picked up the teddy bear lying there, holding it close. It smelled like her, and in that moment, I regretted the decision I had made. The pain of knowing I would soon see her only some days, rather than every day, became unbearable.

I rose from my seat and proposed, "Let's head to the aquarium." Lila spun around, holding her ice cream cone, and joyfully exclaimed, "YES!" Her excitement was palpable. "Okay, go grab your backpack, and we'll set off," I said with a smile. She giggled and scampered off to her room.

Lando, noticing my attempt to distract myself, remarked, "Is this your way of coping? If it is, I'm all for it." He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I felt thankful for the moments I still had with Lila.

Lila bounded back into the room and leaped onto the couch. "Mama!" she shouted, her voice ringing with laughter. I approached her, extending my hand as we made our way to the car. "Don't forget your seatbelt because..." Lando started to say, but Lila interjected, "Because safety first, and Mama said so!" she declared with a grin. Lando nodded proudly, giving her a high five.

Lando's pov

Lance took lila away two weeks ago, and ever since then, ivy has been extremely upset. As soon as Lance took her, she immediately laid down in bed and started crying. I felt helpless because she cried all night long. It's as if a part of her was taken away. One day, I entered the room and found her sitting at her vanity, staring at herself. She was motionless, just looking at her reflection and trying to hold back tears until I approached her. I tried to comfort her by saying, "You'll be alright." She looked at me with sadness and said, "I want to cancel the wedding." Hearing those words, my heart sank, and I was taken aback.

I looked up at ivy, and she seemed very serious. She stood up and locked eyes with me. Then, she took the engagement ring, opened my hand, and placed it gently in my palm. "I can't continue like this anymore, I just can't," she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't hold back my emotions and pleaded, "No, Ivy , you can't do this. You can't run away like you have before. I won't allow it." She walked closer to me and touched my cheek, saying, "You're a wonderful person with a kind heart, but we're not meant for each other." With those words, she walked away,
leaving me standing there, filled with doubt and questioning everything.

Stella began packing her suitcases, impatiently throwing her belongings into them. I sat on the bed, feeling puzzled and asked her, "What do we do now?" She suddenly stopped and looked up at me with a pained expression. "We move on. I can't bear to look at you anymore. You remind me of her. I can't handle this!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anguish as she screamed out her words. I stood up, feeling a mix of emotions, and responded, "So, this is what it's really about? Running away from your problems again, Ivy? That's your usual approach." With a tear escaping my eye, I walked out of the room, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions.
End of Pov

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