I use to think i would meet

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"I'm sorry I didn't notice"

We found ourselves feeling a bit frustrated with my mom since we were currently unable to witness Charles's practice session. It's worth mentioning that we were still in New York at that point. However, with a nine-hour journey ahead of us, we anticipated reaching our destination in time to catch him during the qualifying. Despite the initial inconvenience, we would make it in time to support Charles.

The plane journey turned out to be a bit dull, even though my mom secured first-class seats. The downside was that my brother sat on the opposite side, making it impossible to bother him, which added to the boredom. Resorting to a nap, I later passed the time by watching Gilmore Girls until we finally touched down. The entire flight felt unusually long, marked by a routine of getting up to use the restroom, returning to my seat, requesting a drink, and repeating the cycle.

"Please buckle your seat belts, we'll be landing shortly" I buckled my seat belt happy to hear those words

Once we landed we needed to the Airbnb, I don't remember anything else but knocking out.
"Wake up"

I picked out my outfit and ran to the shower, the warm water hitting my body, it felt so nice considering I felt sore

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I picked out my outfit and ran to the shower, the warm water hitting my body, it felt so nice considering I felt sore. I needed this after a long flight. When I'm done I walk out to my room and get ready as fast as I can. I grab my bag and my accessories and run to the living room, "it's like you're manifesting him to be at Ferrari" I roll my eyes at my brother, and he then rushes me out of the door. My brother irritates me.

We walked into the paddock, we were lost and couldn't find Pascale. Until I saw Arthur, I stood behind him quietly, "boo" he jumps. "Jeez Ivy," he says, my favorite thing about growing up with them was bullying them whenever I wanted.

"Honey you do know Ferrari is his dream team, not his actual team," Pascale says, my brother laughs along with her.

Charles is set to begin the race in the 5th position on the grid tomorrow. In anticipation, we decide to surprise him by hiding before he enters the garage. As he walks in, I hear him warmly greet his mom with a simple "hi." However, sensing something might be wrong, he nods in concern and gives her a comforting hug. To his surprise, when he turns around, we reveal ourselves, prompting a shocked but joyful reaction from him. "Oh, I've missed you guys," he exclaims, expressing genuine happiness at our unexpected presence.

While chatting with Charles, a boy in an orange uniform approaches him to offer congratulations. Charles acknowledged the gesture with a smile, but the boy in orange directed a smile at me. We decide to walk away together, and as we do, Charles glances back at the boy who is still looking at me.

"Someone has an eye out for you" I laugh and shove him, "I have a bf Charles" he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "boyfriend shoyfriend he's not here"I know he did not just say that.

  Later that day to celebrate we all went out to eat at a nice restaurant, "how is Louis anyway?" Says Charles, "Living, he's home right now" he nods, I can't help but feel so happy for this man. "You know I'm so proud of you Charles. You aimed for something and made it" I said, he softly smiled and thanked me, "Max is on the grid" My head turned. Max was always competing with him as kid, "Mad Max, I didn't see him. I'll look for him tomorrow" I said, Charles turns over to me and shook his head. They were friends but he always brought up how friendly I was to Max.

He and Max always had competition, ever since they were younger. This is an ongoing thing, jokes aside they're actually amazing friends off the grid.

We head to the house that my mom rented, and there, we engage in a lively conversation, catching up on various aspects of our lives. Suddenly, Pascale calls my name, and I walk over to her, taking a seat beside her. With affection in her voice, she describes me as "tellement jolie" while playing with my hair. I don't mind at all, as Pascale holds a a special place in my heart, almost like a second mother.

"Mad Max!" I exclaimed as I entered the paddock and spotted him. Giving him a friendly side hug, I added, "Long time no see," he responded with a smile and a wave, I wished him luck before running away. As I walked away, heading briskly towards the Alfa Romeo garage, I accidentally collided with someone in my path.

And it hurt

"I am so sorry about that" I look up and see the same boy I saw yesterday, "oh ur that Orange boy," he laughs crossing his arms.

"I have to run," I announce, leaving him standing in the same spot as I hurry off to make it in time before Charles's race begins. Upon reaching him, I embrace him tightly, offering my best wishes with a playful "good luck ugly duckling," he began to search around, asking, "Now I need to find someone who doesn't think I'm ugly like you do?" I laugh along with him, teasingly replying, "You'll have to try harder, buddy." Giving him a friendly pat on the back, I make my way back to join the rest of the family.

     "Charles Leclerc is in a good position, let's hope he doesn't lose his spot" fuck could you guys make this any more nerve-wracking. Sebastian almost collided with him, the whole race I had one eye open and the other closed.

And Charles was able to finish in 3rd, "yes PODUIM BABY" I say screaming like a crazy person with Lorenzo.

The cameras cut to us, and we were jumping like crazy people, "I didn't like that" I say, he laughs, "then never date a Formula 1 driver. That happens a lot. They zoom into your face like crazy" I turn around and sit next to Arthur. "Hey loser" he looks at me and pushes me,but not a friendly push. I fell off my seat, aggressive much.

"Dont you just love it when our kids treat each other like siblings " says my mom to Pascale. I smile and then Lorenzo and my brother shove me. What did I do, We look back at the screen.
"Charles Leclerc p3 how are we feeling about that" idk about the crowd but I'm feeling happy and excited. I was smiling at the screen, but I was also admiring the passion he has for this sport.

"Charles's biggest cheerleader," says Lorenzo

       "Yes, yes I am. But I also love you guys" I say, I take the headset off and place them down walking towards the podium with my family.

Race was done but when he was walking towards us his smile grew wider, "Did you see how cool that was" I nodded, and smiled at his happiness. "So happy for you," we say jumping up and down

"Congratulations Charles," said Lando, that was his name I just called him orange boy because he was the brightest person in every room.

I smiled at him and grabbed Charles by the arm, half of me wanted to turn around so I did... he was keeping eye contact with me while walking away, "he's flirting with his eyes. I don't mind but I haven't told him we're just friends, like imagine you were my girlfriend, WILD" We both laugh it off knowing that would never happen.

I turned over to look at him one last time and he was being hugged by his family, laughing and hugs is all I could see. He ended up in p5, I couldn't tell but I was staring and he caught me; I knew he caught me once he waved at me with a smile on his face. I waved back in embarrassment, my brother was standing right next to watch everything.

"Hmm, you're interested in Lando Norris? Yeah, looks like your type" he said nodding his head, almost like everyone forgot I had a boyfriend.

"When did you even get here" I say looking up at him. He shrugs and walks away toward Lorenzo, they are secretive as I am watching them but Lorenzo loudly blurts, "Jacob said that you look interested in that guy," I rolled my eyes and walked behind my mom as this was embarrassing.

As we were leaving Lando ran up to Charles and gave him a quick hug, "congratulations mate," Charles hugged him back and thanked him. He backed up and looked at me with a smile.

"Bye red" I laugh

"Bye orange boy," I said, before walking off towards Art.

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