Were there clues

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"What are you doing here"

    I heard Max say, oh jeez I felt so welcomed. I look over at Charles and his eyes go wider than ever, "I invited her mate, is that a problem if you don't want her around you Mick or Lando can sit with her"

I looked over at Charles who was 100% serious, Max walked up to me. "Do you like Lando?" he asked in front of Charles, Charlotte, Pierre, Lando, and Mick standing right next to us.

   "Stop Max, not here" he scoffs and wipes his mouth with his hand in frustration.

    "You know Luisa walked over to the Red Bull garage telling me that I should break up with you because you and Lando have something going on and that I should let you guys be together. What have you done that has made her feel okay with breaking up with Lando and letting you two be with each other"

   Pierre nods and scoffs, oh p please don't get involved.

       "Mate just look at the way they look at each other, it's so easy to tell they fancy each other. It's not that hard to figure out. I'm sorry Ivy but you don't need Max," Pierre said

  Max looks over at me, "No Max stop, look I kissed him once okay, that's why there's tension but we don't like each other, right Lando"

   He looks up at me and smiles, he doesn't say anything back, "um okay then anyway Max I don't know what got into her"

     He takes a step back and looks at Lando and me, I look back at Lando and he is staring into my eyes.  
             "That's what she's talking about, that stare right there, I can't believe I tried to ignore it although I've seen it so many times. Maybe you don't have feelings for him but his eyes tell me everything I need to know, saw you talking to Mick earlier. Pretty friendly, let them fight it out on who gets you because I won't. You don't want me and it's clear" he says fixing his suit and walking out of the restaurant. Great.

   I look over at Pierre

"You know you two like each other you never got the chance so don't blame me, I did you both a favor" said Pierre, Mick looked at me, "What did I do? We were just talking" he was more confused than ever, he scratched his head in confusion.

  "It's okay Mickey" I walk over to the table and sit next to Lewis, "no date?"

    He looks around and looks at me, "looks like we have the same date?"

I give him a confused look and he starts laughing with Mick, was I missing something because they were laughing pretty hard?

   "Cause you two don't have a dates so you both are dateless idiot," says Charles, I grab a sugar packet and throw it over at him. It hits his nose and turns over to me, "that hurts" I stick my middle finger towards him and smile.

  "Why aren't you crying or something," says Lando.

   "Let's be honest, ever since the situation with Louis he's been off and it's probably because I was so willing to put Lance's future over mine but that's just who I am" I shrug and look at Lance, he smiles at me and I wave. His girlfriend gave me the dirtiest look and our side of the table started laughing.

   "Little does she know you saved his career and that's why he's gonna buy her that Birkin bag" I point and Charlotte, "you are so right"

  I look and Pierre, "You need a girlfriend" he throws his hands up in defensive and looks at me, "And why is that red" My facial expression changed and I looked across the table to where he was sitting, "First of all you all need to stop with that name, second because Charlotte and I are bored. Plus Isa couldn't even make it today, she encourages us to drink, we miss our bad influence" Carlos laughs as he overhears us

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