barbed wire

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a month later

Lando was rumored to be seen with Luisa, and at this point stopped caring because I couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear.

Approaching Lance, I found him at my dinner table, accompanied by Lila. Engaged in a lively conversation about the success of go-karting, Lance seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their interaction. Lila, being a kid, added an adorable touch to the discussion with her innocent expressions. Politely excusing myself, I mentioned that I would be running to the grocery store to prepare breakfast.

Surprisingly, Lance and Lila decided to stay over for the night. I shared a bit about how we've been supporting Lila's go-karting dream, much to her mom's gratitude. At the grocery store, I picked up fresh fruit and pancake mix. Knowing Lila's love for sugared donuts and syrup, I added those to my basket. As I glanced up, I noticed Lando and his best friend Max also shopping. To avoid any awkward encounters, I swiftly made my way to the checkout line.

As I stood in line at the grocery store, I heard a cough behind me. I instantly recognized it as Max's, as Lando wouldn't do that. I turned around, forcing a slight smile, and greeted them, "Hello Max, Lando." They both waved at me, with Lando's wave being more subdued. Max seemed genuinely happy to see me and remarked, "That's a lot of food for someone as small as you."

I chuckled, unsure of how to explain that the groceries weren't all for me. "Uh, yeah, there's company," I replied. Max's curiosity grew, and he inquired, "Oh, Gracie and Lola?" I awkwardly laughed and corrected him, "No, Lance." Lando's face revealed his frustration, and he bit the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, well, you should be going then," Lando said with clear displeasure. I gave Max a side glance, and he gave me an apologetic look.

I proceeded to pay for my groceries and made my way out of the store, feeling the tension lingering in the air.

As I exited the grocery store, I thought I had escaped the awkwardness. However, my relief was short-lived as I heard Lando calling my name. Abruptly, he asked, "Are you sleeping with him?" I was taken aback by the sudden question and scoffed in response, "No, Lando. Why do you care? You said you were done."

Lando stared at me with an emotionless expression. Trying to break through whatever he was thinking, I waved my hand in front of his face. "Yeah, Ivy, I did," he replied. "But because you two are hiding something, I don't want to get hurt." His concern about not wanting to get hurt seemed pretty stupid, especially considering he could have declined when Toto mentioned a private investigator.

"You were prepared to get hurt once you accepted help from Toto, yes I know because he told me once my dad got rid of all the evidence and you guys had nothing else to find, but I forgave him because it was out of kindness," I said.

He shook his head, appearing stressed. "Why is Lance paying for a baby girl's clothes, and why did you purchase baby accessories? Why was Lance spending so much money on a baby that month? Who is that baby in your photos?" he asked. I couldn't believe he still hadn't figured it out. "You have so much information, yet it doesn't click for you, does it?" I replied. I opened my car door and sat in my seat.

He continued to look at me with emptiness as if he wanted me to tell him, even though he already knew to some extent. I was aware that he didn't know the whole story, but it seemed evident because Toto had given me all the papers that the private investigator had provided to both him and Lando.

The answers he wanted were right in front of his face.

Max(Few) exited the grocery store, checking on us to ensure everything was okay. I reassured him by raising my hand, indicating that everything was fine. Despite wanting to tell him the truth, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I reached for my car door, glancing at Lando. In that instance, he appeared to be pondering numerous thoughts simultaneously, with a weary expression on his face. Observing him, I felt an overwhelming desire to embrace him tightly, as he seemed worn out from the weight of this problem.

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