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race week

I was standing outside the Red Bull hospitality, just wondering what exactly I would say to them

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I was standing outside the Red Bull hospitality, just wondering what exactly I would say to them. I kept on repeating the conversation I would have with them over and over in my head. I was nervous, I grabbed my hands together and fidgeted with my hands before walking in.
"Hi," I say to the guy standing in front of the Red Bull hospitality, it's the same guy as yesterday. "Oh hi, ms, Christian's daughter? Sorry for the misunderstanding yesterday" I nod and look up at him with a genuine smile, "don't worry about it" I say walking in.
They looked sad when I walked out on them, I had so many questions at the moment that weren't being answered. Why didn't they want me as a baby, why was their initial reaction to give me away? All of these questions were being unanswered. I was now standing outside the same room they asked me to walk into the first time. I knock and wait for someone to open the door. "Come in" from the other side of the door. I turn the knob and see them both sitting next to each other eating. When they saw me they both fixed their posture and cleaned themselves up, "I'm so sorry for interrupting" they smiled.

"Don't even worry about it" Christian says, "I spoke to my parents, and they told me everything but now I want to know your side" They signal for me to take a seat. I walk to the chair and sit, I look at them both. My thoughts started to take over and my eyes felt watery. I wanted to ask a question before they spoke, so I did"

"When you got pregnant why were you first thought to give me up to my mom?" They sigh and look at each other.

" I wasn't ready to be a mom, and she was. She was trying the whole year and became severely depressed when she couldn't" she explains, that's all I wanted to know. She wasn't ready. Okay. I let them explain their side of the story and listened to them through the whole time. I didn't blame them anymore, I felt a bit sad for Geri. I was okay at this point, I got the explanation I wanted. "So we heard you have a boyfriend" I laugh, "yea his name is Louis, he just got a job in computer science and he might apply to get his master's, he also acts on the side" They both have this stunned look on their face. "That's amazing honey, what did you do yesterday after the incident I hope you weren't alone" I sigh, and look at my shoes. "No I was with Lando" Geri smiles at me, and Christian walks over to the pile of papers he printed, "Norris; good looking man but stay away from the driver my darling. I mean they're dramatic and their fans are crazy. Especially Lando's, he's a young boy who has young fan girls. I know friends with Charles though, that's fine" I scoff and look at Geri, "Oh so you're playing the dad role now, "I mean it Ivy" he says, I really think he meant it, "once you get your name out in the public with one of the boys that's all they know you by. You are much more than that"
He says before leaving the room. "Don't listen to him, I'll have a word with him later. Hang out with him" I smile at her, "why doesn't he want me hanging out with Lando?" I ask, she giggles and walks over to me, "Because Lando is known for being a player supposedly, we don't know that. And if you're in a good relationship, Christian doesn't want it to be ruined by Lando" I nod, I now understood why he got upset, "so no drivers?" She rolls her eyes, "who cares" she says laughing along with me.

"I have to get to the Drive to Survive team but I'll meet you after" She nods and I run to where they're at, "explanation Ms.Sinclair, you're late, and I'm in charge of most of our production scripts" they hand them to me, "my daughter was with me that's why" I turn around to see Christian, "we didn't know she was your daughter, sir, I apologize," Angel says to Christian, "oh and now that changes, unbelievable. Everything is fine. EVERYTHING they said in the last clips are goo, maybe just take out where this driver is singing because we'll get sued" they nod and someone crosses it off. I grab the list, "Did McLaren authorize you to say that, because we can get sued? If you guys mention a team make sure it is authorized, I'll always double check but keep it in mind and make sure when filming no brands are shown in the shot because we can also get sued. So do not film Hamilton until he's all changed" They nod and swarm away.

    "Ah, so your ivy, bossy bossy," says someone behind me. I turn around and it was Lewis, Lewis motha fuckin Hamilton. My eyes went wide, my mouth was open and I was staring at him without noticing, "close your mouth iv" said Lando, "You're the one who stopped her from putting me on top of her list of drivers. YOU" says Charles, "he's like an angel" Christian laughs and tries to hold in his laughter as it gets louder. "I'm iv- ivy" he shakes my hand, "Lewis" I giggle, "no yea I know you, my favorite driver," I say blushing, "I'm sorry I need to be professional about this" I stop smiling at my face expression changes, "you cut my walk in" says Lewis, I look at him.

    "You're wearing Louis Vuitton head to toe, immediate lawsuit," I say looking into his eyes. Oh I'm real bold for that but this is my job, I have to take it seriously, "can I authorize it" he says, "have it authorized by the end of the day and I'll think about it, tell maya when you're done. She's over there, my assistant" he nods and laughs, "you do take your job seriously, admire that. Not even I whom Charles says you admire so much can stop you from doing your job correctly"
I smile at him as I'm signing off some papers, " well are you paying the lawsuit" I say looking up at him and thanking Maya, "fair" I nod, I turn and look at Lando and Charles, "What do you two want?" They don't say a word so I walk past them, "Oh Ivy" I hear, it's Max.

    "They signed off on my part, where I talk about my dad. It's an important scene in my life. Please" I was a bit confused, "who signed it off" he shrugged and I looked behind me, there was the whole team of Drive to Survive, "who signed it off I don't think any of you are the lawyers?" The director looks around for answers, " well if she's asking then who was it" No one answered,
"You know what I don't care just tear it up and add his part, don't ever be signing off without my word," I say walking off with Max, "thank you" I smile at him, "what are you doing tonight?" I sigh, "Uh probably go out with Charles" he nods, "Oh I didn't know you guys were a thing, just super close?" I gave him a disgusted face, "Ew we are but he wants to talk about something, why?" he was understanding, "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out" I looked up at him, "You know what okay, let me cancel with Charles." We both walk off and agree to talk after the race.

   I walked back to where Lewis, Christian, Charles, and Lando were at.   "That's a date," says Christian, "I'm pretty sure that's what he asked," says Lewis, oh so now he wants to go against me, "no," I say.
   "You can't deny it, Max has always liked you. I'm surprised you haven't noticed" I sigh and put down my clipboard, " I don't date drivers, I will not be dating a driver, and most importantly I have a boyfriend" They nod, "Why are you telling us? Tell Max," says Lando, I roll my eyes.

     The day was over and Max walked over to me, "Uh 8:30" I nodded and smiled at him, "that's perfect" he said. We walked in the opposite direction and I walked into the Ferrari garage where Lando was standing with Carlos why his side, " his Carlos" he waved and smiled. Orange is not his color.

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